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Everything posted by Messiah

  1. Geoff, I love you man! Ok i'm not fooling myself any (thinking that i will walk with no worries). But hearing a story of similar cause is always a comfort. I have to admit i have lost no end of sleep for this.... the money i'm not too fussed about... the suspension has me tense.
  2. Bump, i want more feedback.... oh and the last reply to be a positive one so i dont stress too much tonight (hey i can lie to myself until i get there cant i?).
  3. Ok i wont. Yah i was thinking about mentioning that kind of stuff aswell. I mean i have heard alot of tales about it and i am kinda paranoid (even more so now). I even go home via a different route everyday. My biggest fear is sounding like i'm making excuses for myself instead of stateing valid reasons.
  4. I dont plan on fighting it so much as asking for leniency. I am quite happily willing to admit that i was speeding, i'm just hoping i can get the point across that it was under duress, and that under normal curcumstances it wouldnt have occured.
  5. Yeah on the statement i got in the mail (only arrived yesterday mind you) who does mention it. Although he explains my explanation as "Was being tailed by the 4wd and accellerated to create a gap" I plan on clarifying that to "Saw the 4wd approach at high speed and when no sign on overtaking or slowing down was seen felt threatened and tried to get away" or something similar. i should prolly point out thatg this road goes through bushland with no space to pull over on the road (and off the road is scrub and brush). I'm pondering mention that my EX g/f died not 10 mins from there just a year or so ago and she drtove like a granny, to add to my "i wouldnt normally be doing that" case, but i'm not so sure.
  6. oh and if anyone asks "why didnt u tell us this sooner?" its cos i'm the quiet brooding type with a little black shrivelled heart who likes to get all bitter and twisted about stuff. that and the fact that thinking about it bugs me
  7. Arrgghh the stress, Well all tomorrow i get to put the theory of running from a car jacking (or perceived car jacking attempt) to the test. A few weeks ago on my way home one night i had a big 4wd (as in pajero type, not gtr skyline 4wd type) Come screaming up my ass on a deserted stretch of road. The guy was approaching me at one hell of a pace in an 80 zone and showed no sign of letting up or over taking.... infact he kept on approaching when he was withing half to a quarter car length behind me, still with no sign of attempting to go around. Now this spooked the hell out of me... the guy had everychance to over take if thats what he wanted but instead just seemed intent to get a close to me as possible. So considering the alternatives (getting shunted and crashing off the road, to getting shunted stopping and having the hell beaten out of me) I put my foot down. Being on a downward slope my line pickedup and shot off with no worries, and i put distance on the 4wd without a prob. Now comes the bummer. As i round the corner at the bottom i'm greeted by a set of red and blue flashies up the road ahead of me. By this time i'm well ahead of the 4wd and pulled over pretty quick, i actually thought "Whew thankgod!" for a moment until it was replaced by "Bugger i must have been flying.... i'm in the sh1t now!". After some initial confusion (the cops telling me to turn the engine off while i fratically waved the keys out my windows with one hand while maddly scrabbling at my timer with the other, while this was going on the 4wd cruised past slowly) i was given a driving endorsment for doing 130+ in an 80 zone. I explained the situation with the coppa (very nice chap) and he gave me th option of the fine or a court appearance, suggesting the court would be a better option as the fine entailed a loss of license. Little to say i took his advice. Now i have court tomorrow where i have to go account for myself. To say i'm nervous as hell is an understatement (been really hard to sleep since then). Does anyone have any advice or anything they can offer? i'll be really miffed if i get lumped with a fine and license suspension because i tried to get out of what i perceived to be real physical danger, even if i was going quick (i didnt think about speed, i've only had the line for a few months and for that moment in my mind i was back in the old N12 where pedal to the metal meant 80 km/h max.) Even if the guy was just playing silly buggers i had no way of knowing and i didnt want to find out if he wasnt just messing... i'm allergic to pain and car jackings.
  8. ok got my Greddy A pillar mount and had a good look and think on it. Looks like your just going to have to drill that bit. Adhesive wont be strong enough to with stand the flex in the plastic.
  9. Monty, You might want to check up on this on the vic forums but i'd check with nissan spares.
  10. Mona, please tell me your not sitting infront of a pc trolling thje queues willingly, its saturday for gods sack.... i have an excuse... i'm at work. Heh the mrs also tried to ban me from all further cruises. She said the the car attracted floozies *smirk giggle* and that it was attention she didnt want me getting. i think she missed the point of why i bought my car.... BRING ON THE FLOOZIES!! btw mona is that yr puppy?
  11. Sounds to me like your petrol cap needs replacing. i have a 93 or 4 (cant remember rightly) gtst and when i start i get no sucking noise or fumes. I can only assume that the sucking noise is the car drawing air in through an air gap in the cap, maybe the same place the fumes are coming from. when you go to fill it up do you get the "pop fissss" noise when u break the caps seal?
  12. Some people might not agree with me on this one, but if i were buying a gtst i'd take an R33. Sure they're as common as muck, but for the little bit extra cash you get a slightly newer car with roughly the same power. If your set on a 32 tho, i agree with merli, get a GTR, it will cost you a few grand more than a r33 gtst, but its lighter and faster. Plus with yr insurance it shouldnt be too pricey. Plus add 1500 to your purchase price for your new exhaust from the turbo back, if it doesnt have one already and you have a nice base you can drive on for a bit until you get some cash together for the expensive bits.
  13. Bah thats not right.... i'm on 265/35's and i actually almost caught up with mona (which is a feat even in the dry) after she got a 10 min head start from wisemans But that said i almost sh*t myself on a few corners and bridges. Kudos on the cruise mona, how could you think even for a second that we'd make u go it alone. I miss your exhaust tho. Oh and Dave, you drive like my grandma.... and she's dead
  14. And its not just added performance that costs, its maintaining performance that costs too. Keep in mind that your gonna pay a premium for any kind of replacment parts merely due to their imported nature. As for the differences between a 32 and a 33, besides cosmetic differences and the small displacement difference i beleive the only real change is weight and a few tweaks to HICAS. But i agree with everyone here so far, dont skrimp when it comes to your skyline, you'll only pay for it in the end anyway. Spend the extra 4-6k and make sure you get a good solid car. Otherwise you'll spend twice that in replacement parts.
  15. I'll write that bit when i come to it. The bit i found most baffling for me (being a gauge newb) was how to get the tubing from the gauge to the engine. I have a Greedy single Apillar mount on its way so when i install that i'll document it and post it cos i've noticed a few people are wondering about that bit.
  16. bah bugger ferrari GO MCLAREN!!!
  17. For an S1 R33 1. Remove the dash panel below the steering wheel. 2. Remove the lining that runs up the a pillar then along the top of the drivers door. 3. This should reveal a gap at the base of the a pillar.... run your tubing down this to get it under the dash. 4. take the end of the tubing and tread it through the existing hole in the firewall (located just behind the right hand edge of where the stereo sits, maybe a little higher) 5. this should exit just to the right of the intake manifold if your looking at the engine from the front. 6. Now comes the choice of lines to tap. The closest line is the line that runs to the stock boost sensor (little black box located in the back left corner of the engine bay when viewed from the front). This line leaves from the back of the intake manifold and runs straight left. This is nice and convenient, But if like me you have an apexi mech boost gauge, the supplied T peice is too big for this hose, so instead use the hose from the front of the manifold, its thicker and just like the one from the back... it will gauge the intake manifold pressure. For this i ran under the air intake and other leads to the front. 7. Cut the desired hose where u wish to join and insert your T peice. 8. Attach your gauge hose to your T peice. 9. use cable ties or similar to tighten the join on the T peice 10. find and attach gauge wires to power if applicable (i'm not going to tell you which one, just find on with power when the lights are on but non when they're not (lighter adapter for instance). 11. Depending on the length these wires can either follow tyhe tubing or instead shortcut down the side of the dash and under the panel removed earlier, dont worry when we put the panel back on it will be protected/hidden. 12. Next replace the 2 removed panels (the a pillar panel and the footwell panel) 13. connect your gauge to your hose and wiring and mount as needed.... All done with no hole drilling...
  18. maybe he likes it looking fake, its not your call dude.
  19. good point zoidberg... YAY your helping if you are warming it up, how long does it take, does it warm up quick or take ages. A dodgy thermostat will either not open at the desired temp (causing over heat) or be stuck open all the time (making warming up take ages) I wouldnt assume its the thermostat as this should only affect warm up times and engine temperature... AFAIK a way of checking yr thermostat is working tho is to take of the rad cap, swtick in a thermometre and turn on the engine. iff all is well then the car should idle for a while with the radiater fluid temp staying steady, then it should heat up as the thermostat opens and starts letting coolant into the engine.
  20. So moanie, whats the propesed route for the wisemans run, up old northern then down then back, or up to wisemans and back via gosfordway and the hwy? or neither.
  21. welcome aboard gizmo
  22. or maybe i'll install a mirror on the roof , or just mod up the old N12 pulsar.... the neons would look sweet against brittish racing beige. Are ya coming to this cruise matey?
  23. But James, i have it all figured out, i have the mirror ball for the rear view, beaded seat covers, leds shining out of every orifice, and i even found a total rice upgrade, a nos canister that does nothing but vent to the atmosphere.... Fuuulllyyyy siiiiccckkk bro
  24. You mean like a greedt apillar mount? or just a standard mount at the a pillar? I am just using the gauge mount that came with the gauge for now (my a pillar mount is on its way, should have it in a week or 2) and with that i just turned it sideways and lodged it into a gap in the dash (surprisingly secure there actually). As soon as i get my mount i'll post a follow up to this for it. that said if u gimme a pic of the back of the mount i might be able to figure something out before hand.
  25. Well, they probably dont need replacing just yet. I have to admit i'm a little stuck when it comes to what needs servicing, or what people would like to service, so if anyone who is interested in this day could post what they'd like to get done i can put it all in a list and see what kind of prices i can get, as it is i havnt called anyone yet as i still need to compile all the bits we want, and i'm not too imaginative. So gentlemen (and ladies) please post what you'd want to service, that way i can get the parts sourced and set a date.
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