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About Bobjones

  • Birthday 05/12/1978

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  1. PM's replied to. List updated. Camera is bung borrowing one for pictures, apologies!!
  2. Thread tagged. Awesome work to date Noel, makes me sad for selling mine now...but alas I can live my life through you!!!
  3. BUMP, People I am back from the Vic Dutton and these can be picked up this weekend. Apologies for the omission of photos, those items not picked up will be photographed this weekend and posted, apologies again for the delay. Please PM me with offers and to get pick up details. My mobile is in the signtaure below!! Cheers Neill
  4. Packing my bags as we speak, I am flying down due to work comittments, but Cam and the Evo are on route. Supposedly I have to put a radiator in tomorrow afternoon, should be fun...
  5. Postage is a pain as I work too many hours... Yes that is for both front and rear, the minimal wear is on the front, the rears are like new.
  6. PM's replied to, and first post updated.
  7. Auto Repair Centre QLD, or K&J Smash
  8. All PM's replied to
  9. My only advise. Go to Carlovers if you don't want to pay too much, do it yourself NEVER use the brush unless its on the wheel arches of your muddy 4wd. By a decent wash mit and microfibre chamois so as to not induce swirls. I have found a certain carwash at a certain Albion location that induces swirls and then offers you details to remove them...how nice they are. If you want to see swirls, click on the link in my sig and find the black evo with 15,000kms on it and see what bad car washes can do...
  10. I will post pics on the weekend. I am not posting anything i don't have time. Pick up ONLY.
  11. Bump for a clean car. I just sold mine, but I had a built engine and this is good money for this car. Good luck with the sale
  12. Hi All, Well I have sold my skyline and cleaning out the wreckage left behind...ALL items are pick up only...and relate to a Series 2 R33 that has done a genuine 76,000kms and all parts are in perfect working order otherwise they would have been binned, if you are unsure whether they will fit ask elsewhere. Please PM me with offers. 1. Leather gear boot and handbrake boot, got from Group Buy, never been fitted - SOLD 2. Stock Suspension, shocks and springs, no boots or bump stops - $40 3. Stock Brake Rotors, minimal wear (approx 1-2mm) do not require machining - $40 SOLD pending payment 4. Front stock Castor Rods - $20 ONO - SOLD 5. Stock Dump Pipe, Front pipe and cat incl heat sheilds - SOLD 6. S15 Mags 16x7 - One pair has new 225/50 done 50kms (they are cheap tyres ie $100 each) the other pair have old Federals 205's that will do one skid, barely legal. (Will post pics shortly) - $450 ONO 7. R33 Starter Motor, came off engine done 70K, tested and perfect working order (was only swapped out trying to locate electrical gremlin) - $80 ONO 8. R33 Stock BOV - $20 ONO Cheers Neill
  13. I just picked up a 50 and a 42 inch Samsung Q Series Plasma, I like them for the larger sizes, but anything under 42 I go with LCD, I have a 22 inch LCD int he bed room which is good but just does not look good for action movies...
  14. Dan we all know that your just cut cause his Vtec kicked in an beat your forbie off at the lights...
  15. Bobjones

    For Sale.

    Damn missed out, looks like a good deal!!
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