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Everything posted by Kimbert

  1. Today's lesson learned. Don't eat two bacon deluxe burgers one after the other.

  2. Nup I f**king hate Dominos Mingara. Close at 11 like the rest of us you retards.

  3. Just picked up the store keys to Wyoming. I have a new family now =)

  4. Mom and Nonno picking me up from marks in the Volvo Lolol. How awkward.

  5. Plans for the day are KFC bucket whilst in bed watching basketball Freddy got fingered and team America. Yeeeeeeaaaah.. I was going to wash my car but that is totally out of the question..

  6. f**k this everyone is hot and stuff

  7. Someone just asked me where I got my shoes from at woodport. My reply was "payless" Lolol

  8. Bye bye Erina =(

  9. Woodport tonight =)

  10. Last day at Erina. And I'm already stoked that I'll never have to do another f**king day shift with Allan shit flamin mongrel Godwin! f**k yes!

  11. 2nd last day at Erina..

  12. Just signed my contract. Officially an assistant manager now =)

  13. Mingara Dominos failed their oer and got shut down. Good work wayne. I like your score of 15% FSH Lololololololol

  14. Jessie J you're shit.. Get off the f**king radio

  15. Tosh.0 you're f**king amazing.

  16. Everything is always my fault

  17. Can you remove the mast and keep the wire intact and still have radio? I hate the long antenna.
  18. Last night in my r33 '95, I lost it coming off a round about in the wet, and managed to drive up and over a large medium strip. The Front spoiler isn't that bad in my opinion. But its the underneath I'm more worried about. I've crushed the exhaust up in the car and I could have completely stuffed my suspension. Any one have any ideas on if its a write off? The car is only valued at 8.5k
  19. I need the S for the bonnet and 2 Volk Racing Logos for the centres of my rims. These items are proving hard to find.
  20. I keep thinking of things to eat, but since I'm bigger than what I'd like to be, I'm settling for coffee and a diet shake.. *sigh*

  21. Fat people trying to lose weight, makes for great television. Lolol.

  22. RBT'd this morning. Cause who isn't drunk at 9am and driving an import with millions of defects?Lol jks I'm sober and cars stock. *throws license back* - "drive safe little girl"

  23. Keep hating on me, yeah I don't smoke weed anymore. Good for you, you still do.I wish I could un-know people =(

  24. So I drank to much last night. I blame the one cocktail i had, with about five different shots in it! Yucky.

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