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Everything posted by kaitoukid

  1. tell me about it, -___-. if it doesn't work out, going to probably go with some id1000's. but dat price tag. yep! didn't want to spend more than 350, really. but now should hopefully flow 250+ who is this hipster boy you speak of?
  2. $300, with a 2 month old GT Pumps actuator . Done about 70K kms. Only thing is a snapped bolt which the thread doctor quoted $40 to drill out. Not bad imo. Waiting to hear back about some injectors atm as well
  3. 8mr turbo acquired
  4. IIFYM indeed haha.
  5. YouTube, mr chef, pls
  6. forum noobery aside, might purchase a turbo tmr. mods stockpile continues. poor lyf continues.
  7. This. I got tapatalk to try for sau, couldn't find it to add...
  8. haha dem manbags some good stereo pics out there, seen a few on fb
  9. On the plus side, mate, if you don't like the weather, just wait 5 minutes! Welcome to Melbourne, haha.
  10. that's cuz 3100mAh battery is baws
  11. need aaron's insider information! that's true. they black edition coupes are still hawt, though! sounds good my n4 isn't even a year old tbh, although given the price point i could upgrade to n5 for not much, i'll probably wait it out until the next gen of phones/nexus. i use swype these days, good stuff. only thing i hate is the stupid lack of return key in the messaging app... but that is google's fault (i wonder if it's any different in hangouts... not sure i want to use hangouts)
  12. looking good brah. white rims buddies! they are so nice when clean haha
  13. N5 > IP5 That will be all. How are you liking it so far, Simon? I played with my mates the other day, quite smooth. I appreciate the slightly extra screen real estate over my N4 as well.
  14. prefer the a45 amg over the cla. that said, c63 hnngg. i'm moving to 'murica. gonna get me some toys then.
  15. saw one on the road the other day, i was mirin
  16. haha how terrible is it! and then worst of all, you're trapped! and need to go over more to get out ;__; awesome. who are you doing it with? gl! although you shouldn't need it. what sort of food are you into? melbourne has a lot of brunch places and what not that are fairly popular i think. or are you going to make birds spring for something a bit more baller
  17. Will look into said headset. Day time ride hopefully? Not that there's anything ominous about Friday the 13th...------- Toby that is freaking hawt! On mobile though so can't see too clearly - is it black? If so, I do wish you the best in keeping it as sexy as it is bahaha. ----- Agreed on Doncaster Westfield parking. I usually only head there for movies... the grid up there is a nightmare. Scraped UNDER my car oh the feels... didn't make that mistake again thereafter LOL
  18. ^haha was it even on purpose?
  19. not paying attention mate, what you want is an r33 (apparently)
  20. dat fresh respray
  21. Haha thought it might be a Fujitsubo. If I do have it still, it's a 3" Kakimoto with like a 5" canon or some shiet haha... definitely loud. I'll let you know if I has. Birds when are we going for a ride?
  22. . hope the poor bloke is alright. dicey is relative i suppose, as a lot of your safety is up to you when riding, i feel. have to be mindful of anything and everyone. doesn't matter whose fault it was when you're going to come off worse! that said despite not having a huge amount of experience yet, still think riding is excellent fun, #noregrets. more aware, probably. more safe? debatable i think, haha; car vs. bike, pretty sure we'll always lose out! and more accidents involving cars is a given; probability with the majority. fgk? How cheap is cheap? I actually might have one just sitting in the garage I have to check haha.
  23. Gotta buy my KK as well tonight speaking of KKs...
  24. Definitely is, I downloaded (and deleted haha) it this morning. Just type in SAU I think and should be the only hit.
  25. Quite distracting ads on the SAU app, nothx. Got Tapatalk to try, but can't find SAU... halp?
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