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Everything posted by Snoop180

  1. all very good thoughts r31's are awesome chuck a turbo on it and a few things and gg i have looked at Chasers before but doesnt seem there alot around and therefore expensive to fix at the moment i will stick with my vy and see what happens i guess
  2. HMMMMM this has given me a bit to think about now. hard to make any choices at the moment. i only originally wanted a skyline cause they look sexy are faster and dont feel like driving my boat vy which i dont really like much. i could spend money on the vy but i don't really see the point don't think i could get it to fast its only an s and not a ss so .....
  3. sounds like some good advice i already have a sound system to transfer from my current car so there is that part sorted i was thinking just like the stage 1 mods to get it to about 200rwk or so nothing to extreme
  4. any other thoughts apart from LOl at my auto choice
  5. i spend like an hour and a half each day in traffic each day so manual just really cbf with it and i thought this car looked good. and i like to roll my smokes and drink coffees while driving so
  6. Hi Everyone, just thought the best place to start and ask some questions was on here. Should probably start with some history. First off i had a r31 ti skyline which was a dream to drive and had about 100k on the clock. Sold it last year and bought a vy series II s commodore which i dont mind as a car but it just feels like driving a boat sometimes i am not to clued on to car stuff at all. Found this car on carsales can people give me some thoughts/anything else that can enlighten me about this car: Also i would like to mod it a bit http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/private/details.aspx?R=9160234&__Qpb=true&Cr=0&__Ns=pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|1||pCar_Make_String|0||pCar_Model_String|0&keywords=&__N=1216%201246%201247%201252%201282%204294963846%204294963593%20412%204294950656%201621%20750%204294783734&SearchAction=N&silo=1011&PriceTo=412&seot=1&tsrc=allcarhome&__Nne=15&trecs=2&__sid=12E245A7D907 i do realize its an auto but i am stuck in traffic quite a bit during the day so don't really want to go manual Cheers Guys
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