Well I've confirmed my worst today. My 33 GTR, which I've owned for 2 months, has low compression. I threw a gauge on it tonight and its down to 125psi on all 6 cyls. I dropped a bit of oil in the cyls and the compression came up to 170psi.
Unfortunately for me, I am meant to be super sprinting on the 1st May.
Does anyone know any workshops in Sydney that can pull an engine out for me this week? I know its short notice, I've called around a few places and everyones booked out till after easter.
If anyone can help out or know of anyone im more than happy to pay $$$$.
I guess it seems I trusted the wrong guy and bought the car untested on his word. I was told it has forged internals and it does have bigger cams. I just hope the bore isn't scored or anything else bad.
Does anyone know a good rebuild kit? Whats a good suggestion for bearings and head gasket?
Thanks heaps for any help you can give.