I bought a while ago from total tools this model.
The model i purchaed was thr PNT-210 and works a treat. Lot cheaper then that wurth one and when they have there sales on u can get it even cheaper.
Think there is a store in Penrith.
Not good. Seems a lot of cars have issues now, even the Toyotas. One thing I am noticing is the differences in servicing costs.
Landcruiser is 210 I think capped where cars like the jeep are 400odd. What are the other costs on the euro diesel 4wd?
Be carefull with the navara. Have a few issues with the timing chain and also in the case of my old mans also the turbo. Quiet expencive and lots of examples on the navara forums.
Not the token tools one however when researching for my machine I narrowed it down to the unimig machines and the cigweld. Silverwater Welding highly recommend the Unimig machine and have had very little trouble with them. I only bought the cigweld machine because of the deal I got.
I did a course a while ago and we were able to use the new lincon welders. It was able to automatically adjust wire speed and amps to the metal thickness. Bloody amazing machine and made u look like a pro. They were into the thousands though and more for large shops I think.
Cvt worries me. Few issues in the US with them on the pathfinder.
I was reading that the ford towing speed is a "non enforceable" recommended speed and ford have come out and said as such apparently. Bit of talk about it on the caravan forums about it.
Has anyone bought a new pathfinder? Seen lots of feedback in the us with some issues with the CVT but quiet new hear, apparently all fixed now so seeing if anyone knows much.