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Everything posted by vspecR

  1. hi can you please check this VIN for me 6U9000CPV35504977 Thanks in advance Cheers
  2. I wish there is some way around this, I guess I can only ask the seller for a favour when writing the price. How low do you think i can write the market value without it being questioned? also, for a 110k car we have to pay 7.1k in stamp duty in WA where as in NSW you guys pay 4.6k..why is there such a big difference http://www.transport.wa.gov.au/licensing/1382.asp
  3. Yeah over in WA it's 6.5% for anything over 50k. They have the market value and the purchase value on the transfer paper and the stamp duty is based on the market value you write.
  4. Hi all, Just wondering if people generally write the actual amount on the transfer papers when they buy their R35s. From the department of transfer website, the stamp duty for a 110k is over 7k..which is rediculous considering how much we get taxed for everything else as well. I know only it's part of the cost of buying such an expensive car but how can you reduce this cost. Do you just write a lower price on the transfer papers? if so, and the seller agrees to write it, how low should i put it on the transfer paper. Has anyone ever be caught out doing this? Cheers
  5. Hi can someone pls find out if this is a vspec II. BNR34400520 thanks heaps!
  6. Hi, can some one please check if this is a vspec II Thanks heaps! Vin 6u9000bnr34400520
  7. On a cruise ages ago mate, when u still had ur white ceffy? got another old account that i dont use but ill let u figure that out haha
  8. omfg that black one, only if i had an extra 50k lol if it was a GTT i wouldnt mind having it like that white on with doluck kit. its doluck wing and kit right? but like the standard front bar and only would consider any other if it was either the optional nismo front bar or ztune one
  9. lol i'm an 88 quite a bit younger lol. i met you before mate was hoping around 50k, but dont mind paying upto 55k for a realllyyy nice one
  10. haha thats gives me a bit of hope! there are good exmaples here in aus but the asking price is a bit riduculous with some. Another funny thing is, looking through 2010 sales, GTR acutally went for a lot less than what people are asking now??? it's like a the sellers are 'just going with the crowd' interms of their asking price. how can the average asking price of GTR r34 go up by roughly 5k asking price in a matter of 6 months. there was only 1 reasonable one that i like, but that one's colour had to be at the bottom of my list dammit. i just cant wait til i finally get one in my hands. been dreaming of having one since i was like 14 lol
  11. thanks for that mate, i guess havent really done the numbers to work out the difference between 75-87 yen, looking at the bigger picture, seems you are indeed correct. couple hundred extra or less isnt much to find the 'right' car just wish i had started the imported process 2-3 months ago instead of wasting time waiting for the right gtr to pop up in aus lol
  12. nice, so what do you guys think about importing at the moment? is it the right 'time'? the yen is at ~87 to the AUD atm, prob highest in the last few month. i kinda just jumped into after i couldnt find the right r34 gtr in aus. i though importing would give me wayy more options, but im not getting much atm lol
  13. lol i was wondering why that was so cheap. def considering it IF it was a real GTR lol im pretty sure the ones i have seen, the inspector never went and saw it because i wasnt interested in neither thanks for the links, im gonna burn some time at work lol
  14. cheers for that TUFF_350 hmm there doesnt appear to be that many R34 GTR's in auction. i signed up mid last week for importing and ive had 2 cars sent to me so far. i was expecting like shitloads lol. oh well, guess i will just have to waitt
  15. hey guys, Just starting the importing process (still searching). i have read in other threads where people found links on auction sites. but most of those links have now died and i cant read japanese, so i cant figure out how to go back to the main site lol. i want to browse those sites just incase my broker/agent has missed out on anything that i could be potentially interested in. anyways, currently looking at a GTR R34 vspec or vspecII(if im lucky), for 50k or under landed and on road. any help would be appreciated. cheers
  16. hey buddy,

    Im also interested in a R34 GTR, can you Pm the details of the price, mods, condition etc.


  17. cheers but ive found what i was looking for
  18. Yes I'm in Perth, but I think the one you're talking about is sold. Plus is looks horrible lol. Anyways after speaking to an import broker I'm looking at maybe importing myself now, price of r34 GTR can go as low as 38k landed thanks for the help guys
  19. Yeh its a real bargin, and ive checked everything (VIN and REVS) as thorough as i can. I think im heading towards the direction of the built one. Gonna get it checked out next week, fingers crossed, considering the inspection is gonna cost me 400 before i even buy the car lol
  20. Hey guys, Im currently lookin for information about Geraldton(Car related), It's not an issue something i wanna discuss in public. So anyone here from Geraldton, can you please PM me as i have a few questions i need you to assist me in i hope this is the right section. sorry if it's not! thanks guys!
  21. ahhhh dilemma i didnt want to say it, but the built ive negotiated to 35k....for R34 GTR vspec... i know most would say its lemon just based on the price. but i genuinely believe the owner is only selling it cheap due to paint work and is in debt its hard to let this bargain(if the engine is quality build) go! Touge- i like your suggestion, i will be lookin into that option. perhaps i can drive the built one how it is now (leave it at stock power) and look at refreshing it when im chasing more power. something around 350-380kw and i agree, the standard one's engine is a 10yr old + engine, i dont know exactly what its gone through either.
  22. i will be doing a comp and leak down test. i will also put in on the dyno. but that doesnt confirm the engine is well built.
  23. Standard one was built because previous owner overboosted it, not sure the detials, but that was the reason The built one's owner builder can tell me bits and peice of the details. i have the list of parts used, but like i said, im worried about the builder's work, not the parts ahhh so hard to decide lol. The built one also has my preferred colour, and its Vspec what could i possibly do to make sure the engine is fine? cheers
  24. Can source receipt of the built one, but it's the quality of the work from builder that I'm worried about. Yeh I know logically the standard one is safest, but tempted to get the built one as it hadmore potential. Sorry rather not state price
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