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About SkylineObsession

  • Birthday 01/03/1983

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    Dunedin, New Zealand
  • Interests
    Skylines, gaming, driving, cats, photography etc etc

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  1. I think i read that either 10,000 or 19,000 people have left the city so far, some may have come back though.
  2. Unfortunately, I have a cocktail party that night for one of my wife's friends birthdays. So I won't be able to make it. Sounds like fun though. Chur, oh well! There will be other meets. Are the V series skylines generally accepted by other skyline owners, it get the feeling they are frowned upon as they are not a traditional Skylines. I could be tempted to come a long to a meet in Dunners or if you were coming south, I will keep an eye out for meets. Are they usually posted in this forum. We literally accept anything, only criteria for coming along to meets is that you actually like Skylines/Cefiro's or something else from the Skyline family. Like my brother brings along his Mk. IV Toyota Supra to most meets, and we've have turbo Falcon XR6's, RX7's, Civics, Hilux's, motorbikes, and so on. Hope the guys here won't mind, but all the action happens over on www.southernskylines.com in the forum there. Its pretty much a club just for the South Island of NZ. We'd definately be keen to have you along as i've been wanting a late model Skyline at meets for ages now! If you see any other Skylines, Stageas, Laurels or Cefiros in Balclutha it'd be great if you could tell them about SSE too. Always trying to spread the word - SO many people don't know about us. Here's some pics from of our last meet: http://southernskyli...?p=37138#p37138
  3. !!!! http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/354724-skyline-megameet-saturday-19th-march-in-timaru/ Please say you can make it! And if you're keen, some of us on Southern Skylines could maybe travel down to Balclutha for a meet one day to see you and your car? Never seen a new generation Skyline up close - and yours is a very welcome change from the normal grey ones!
  4. Nice, where are you at?
  5. I felt it at work in Dunedin (5+ hours south of Chch). And the first aftershock too. Not good.
  6. Arthurs Pass is an awesome road - if you have no traffic and a grunty enough car to get up the hills.
  7. Hey all! Its about time we had another megameet i think! The last Southern Skyline Enthusiasts/Skylines Downunder South Island 'megameet' was possibly the SSE Cruise to Lake Tekapo in 2005. And before that possibly the SDU Queenstown meet in 2004. Details below, please SPREAD THE WORD! We want a huge attendance! SATURDAY, 19TH MARCH 2011 (rain or shine, as always) DUNEDIN/LOWER SOUTH MEET UP TIME: 8:00am to 8:30am LEAVE: 8:30am, or NO later than 8:45am, arrive at Caroline Bay at 11am. LOCATION: TBC, but likely somewhere on the one way system or on Pine Hill? DETAILS: - Please come with enough petrol. - There will only be one toilet/food stop and that will take place in Oamaru. - I'll hopefully have a car at the front (me) and the back with walkie talkies (range dependant) so please try stick to 100km/h so that we don't get too spread out. Following SH1 all the way to Caroline Bay in Timaru, hopefully everyone knows where that is! CHRISTCHURCH/UPPER SOUTH MEET UP TIME: 8:30am to 9:00am LEAVE: 9:00am sharp LOCATION: Rolleston BP Connect service station (corner Main South Road & Tennyson Street, Rolleston) DETAILS: TBC Timaruians and others can opt to just meet us at the Bay. TIMMAZ TO DO LIST (in no particular order after the first three) - Park up at Caroline Bay at 11am or 11:30am at the latest? - Meet and greet and mosey at each others cars etc, then first lineup pics of the day? - Enjoy the lovely SUNNY day. - 'Outdoor Roast' lunch? - Cruise over to Levels Raceway for a wee bit to watch the motorbike track day. Can leave after a few mins or whenever suits. - Maybe cruise over to Pleasant Point and have a go on the Flying Fox? - Meal at a distinguished restaurant later in the day (KFC/Maccas?) - Couple more lineup photo shoots at random places? - Mini Golf at Caroline Bay? - <insert other stuff here> Original topic
  8. This one i'm pretty sure belongs to a Southern Skylines member. It is her daily driver family car too. Thats an R32 GT-R spoiler on the back as well, which got painted the same colour as the R34. When she was looking at the car she didn't like the fact it had no rear spoiler, and the dealership just happened to have an R32 one lying around. Can you describe any other Skylines you saw in Dunedin? Haven't seen the white one before i don't think.
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