Ive got heaps of complaints. Mainly stuff ive heard
"I really yeah want big arms and chest" yeah I good luck with that.
"I wish I had abs" your diet doesn't suggest that.
Then theres people who squat massive weight with a really small range of motion.
I worked with this one guy who had a massive upper body and couldn't see any reason to do leg work. He also let me know how keen he was to use roids to get big.
I'm having trouble understanding this. So this person calls the police about his car being broken into, police show up and see 3 guys acting suspicious around a car and don't do much about it.
Thought police would take this really seriously.
I've noticed a lot of people who don't seem to be capable of doing that. I can't stand it when cyclists ride on the road with a path next to them while cars can't get past them.