I'm having a problem finding a simple way to setup my TB X41's for both my XBOX360 and PS3 (not the voice com's I know they don't work on PS3 without spending money) without sacrificing sound quality.
Both consoles obviously have optical audio output, but due to the fact that PS3's or myself are bad because I can't/can't figure out how to listen to music while playing games.
If someone can explain how to do the above that will help, and render the next question useless.
My main thought/question is, because my TV also has an optical audio output, would connecting both consoles to the TV using HDMI or similar and running the optical cable from TV to the wireless "thing" for my headset defeat the purpose of using optical cable at all because of it not being sent through it initially?
I'm pretty sure it would, but as TD states I'd like the confirmation of someone more in the know or who's had a similar problem.
Also does anyone know if you can get like a 3-way splitter/switch for optical cable, so one end can go into the headset's wireless transmitter and with the flick of a switch change whether it's receiving audio from either the XBOX, PS3 or both at the same time through the TV (after having gone through the HDMI from console to TV)?
Edit: Made a wicked diagram, using spaces, lines and slashes, didn't work and now it's gone.
Thanks in advance.