Following are the main points, where do you stand on each, and ill give you a rough idea on how you're looking.
Time in current job and previous job. 3 years of on call casual for numerous companies interspaced when work load was light with dole (i hate that part i think thats what does me in everytime) currently working in a rostered casual position at woolworths petrol.
Time in current address, and previous address.current address a year a month previous lived with my folks for 21 years. Currently renting house i am in off folks
Any previous loans that you have paid out, or are currently paying?1 credit card currently being paid off at about 100 a month.
Was/is it a good accout? resonably good account, now and then late becuase of lack of work.
Current net/gross income. 500 a week after tax is all i know what i will be getting by the end of january. steady wage, never again will i work commision (have once and i hated it)
150 per fortnight on rent, 100 bucks a month on mobile phone. 60 for net per month and 20 for home phone bout 200 every 3 months for power
one 1990 vn exec commodore worth about 3k atm (i got a bum deal on that i really did) and my compute which is worth about 1800. all my money goes into trying to get either a good car or bills
Credit Report
none that i know of, as for being knocked back all i got knocked back on was the fact that it was an import i was after and that was just in the qouteing area never applied for finance before.
thanks for your help mate