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Everything posted by Villainous_J

  1. I'll throw in my two cents, I agree with you guys, probably more so coz I'm in VIC and our speed laws are a joke. Speed cameras and radars are nothing but revenue raisers here, and I'll be damned if I get tagged. We don't need more cameras, we need better licence testing. (sorry to get on the soap box, but I'm sick of seeing nutters behind the wheels of cars that amount to nothing more than lethal weapons)
  2. Not that I own one yet, but I like them coz I want something unique, I'm sorta in country VIC and a 4-door GTS would look hot out here among all the bloody holdens and fords ya gotta also love 'em for their reliability (a common thing with all jap cars; they're as though as nails) oh, and ya gotta love a car that knows the value of AWD
  3. I'm gonna throw a spanner in the works here and say go for a diff yellow, like the imola yellow on the Audi S4, attracts attention and the insects
  4. go yellow, rice shmice! it looks good and gets attention (maybe this preference for yellow is from years of inconspicuousness that comes with driving a sky blue toyota...)
  5. Just wondering if anybody's heard of it , or better yet, has one installed in their car. I know it's a big thing for Audis, I'd love one when I get my skyline
  6. HAHA at last, an N/A fan to support me! Any thoughts on the 4-door? I've always wanted a sleeper. And any ideas how much I'll be up for insurance? I'll be 22 and a rating 1 next year (after 3 years of driving my little cars, I bloody well should be a rating 1)
  7. Yeah, I know they're turbo, but I wasn't expecting a big performance diff between the 200SX with the small turbo and the 2.5 GTS (or am I mistaken? pardon the ignorance) I assume the R33 is slightly cheaper both in terms of insurance and price?
  8. heya all, this is my first post on the forum and I gotsa question. I'm thinking of treating myself to another car soon, after more than a year of pleasure with my celica I need something that'll take commodores on the straights as well as the curves (yes I should know better than to take on even a measly commodore in a 14 year old celica...) I've narrowed it down to a 200SX or a R33 GTS N/A (best to get a handle for the basics first then work upto a turbo) any suggestions on both with regards to price, insurance, performance and general drivability wise? I'm not looking to mod, but I do want a quick car for my money thanks in advance, happy driving
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