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Everything posted by TRE-DEUCE

  1. what do you mean by spiking ? so for manual boost controllers is either turbosmart or turbotech eh? is it DIY'able ?
  2. hey! all! do we really neeed a normal boost controller instead of a manual boost controller? i mean for a daily driver i couldnt think of any point to keeep changing your boost OR IS THERE ???? (question for you gurus) are normal auto booost controller from cheapo chain as goood as stufff from jap (branded)?
  3. what kind of places will do a battery test ? any knind of workshops ?
  4. got cha! thank you! peace!
  5. +1 to complication! think you are bettter off google the model number than find a manual for it! peace!
  6. hey all! will the gtr's din guages fit and work in a gts-t ? the guages dont have any cables for install is it possible to buy some cables for them? thank you ! peace!
  7. hey mate got pic for guages? does it have all cables and looms for install? will work witha r32 gts-t?
  8. hey ! i have no idea if its same as r33 alternator.
  9. how much you selling if you find a buyer for rail ?
  10. turbo timer is an aftermarket part matey!
  11. ohh icic ! thx alot mateyy! so i guess any wreckers will have them ! right ? peaces !
  12. hey all ! my alternator is dead! wondering if anyone out there have a spare one for sale. hopefully in decent cond! im located in syd ! peaces!
  13. hey mate! still have the alternator ? whats the cond ? have all the looms and wires and all ? if so have a pic ? my one just died! peaces !
  14. hey hey ! still up ? is it a straight fit into a rb20det ?
  15. i think my alternator is dead!!! =( where is the best place to get a new one ? what should i be looking for when im buying one ? peaces! Chris!
  16. OH NO~!!! problem i charged my car worked for one nite the next day its gone again ....... what can it be....alternator... ???? help help ! peaces! Chris!
  17. hey hey! i drive a r32 gts-t. if i want to change my front guards to GTR frond guards would i need to change to a GTR front bar? would i need to do the same with the rear guards too ? thank you ! peacesss!
  18. UPDATE! l fixxx was a dead battery! CHEERS! PEACE! TAHNK YOU!
  19. hopefully i possted in the right section! soz mods! what so good about Z32 AFM ? i see alot ppl use them ! whats the differ betweeen Z32 afm and stock afm ? cheers! peace!
  20. Z32 AFM! What so good about them ? i see alot of ppl use them. what does it do? compare to stock ?
  21. the pics is very blury i cant seee the pic proberly! can u repost pics plss
  22. sounds goood ! cheers boys and girls! i will update if anything gos wrong! Peace!!!
  23. really? but the car turns over!
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