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Everything posted by smcqueen89

  1. hahaha well there you go unrego all the way... dat prob y they didnt defect me.. one of the police where pretty nice though i found out he goes to the creek to the skid pan in his 180.. he drove my car around the corner and i had to warn him its no a sr20 so dont put your foot to far to the ground... it was a good laugh... well until the highway patrol they called court noticed us hahah
  2. thanks for the help i have found a tt one for $80 i think im goin to get in tomorrow
  3. yeh i wish i was smarter and asked on here where to go first so now they have sent the list to the rta wat has to been fixed ohh well maybe it was for the best or i wouldnt of found out that my ball jiont for my steering was completely gone.... lol i could hand tighten the nut they said it was extremely dangers but next year i will rember to go to find one who will just strait away pass me
  4. yeah that sucks too lol i should go out insted of sitting at home depresed
  5. yeah well ill be coping it i cant let him pay 4 it....and no ctp
  6. well guys on Thursdays night i had a few beers down at the pub and so i got my mate to drive my car home that hasn't had a drink..... so i was driving how and we got rbt that came uo as 0 and let us drive of then we sore the red and blues behind us we pulled over and the police told me that my car hasn't had rego for 20 days i had a look at the dash and it had expired and since it is my second car i havnt reali looked at the window at the date... nothing came to my house no renewel papers or reminder so i was in shock.. they made me keep the car on the road over night with my mate with a court notice next month... then on Saturday morning went to the mechanics to get the car checked over for rego annd i got a list of stuff i have to do to get it pasted eg tires that where not in that bad condition, ball joints on the wheels, horn , bov grrrrrrr i so my car is stuck at the shop till monday getting charge 450 to get it fixed to get rego so yeah that was my weekend how was yours??????? lol
  7. oh ok they are both stock but i am soon to get a high flow rb25 turbo and a pfc
  8. the air flow meter from the z32
  9. hey guys i am looking for a z32 afm now i am just wondering do i get a tt awf or a n/a afm oh and i have a r32 gtst if that makes a dif
  10. lol them jacks you sore are just from old cars i have the other jack , stands and ramps in the shed lol well yeah give us a buzz ur welcome to work on the car here, everyone else does lol
  11. hey man u could of gave me a call i have the stuff u need and nera says hi lol
  12. what you have done to your car has inspired me to do it to it to my rb20 after so many people bagging out rb20s and saying put a 25 in this show what they are capable of..... i will to get there one day lol
  13. mate im not r trying to put this down but thats way to expansive i got one for about 50 and trhen got one wit another skyline i got and sold it for about the same price
  14. well boostn imports has contacked me after i asked if they would fit ( the guy who sells the dba rotors) and he says they wiill fit even if they are upgraded rotors i am guess since he seels alot of parts on here he will no
  15. hey mate im alwais up for meeting new people if u eva wanna go for a cruise or chat pm me
  16. i dont no why everyone is giving this guy a hard time... i tell you what i think someone droping the clutch on a stand still a lot safer then flowering it around windy roads and stuff..... and when you say you dnt do it every run i have been wit that have been sau guys have given it a boot full every now and again... and mate wit asking why cant i do a burnout and leave black lines down the road u should have got a v8... plus i think there must be somthing wrong with your car if it is manual
  17. hey guys well i am nearly shore that i dont have the stock r32gtst brakes on my car a mechanic has told me they are gtr r32 brakes.... some guys on the forum i have met up wit me have told me r33gtst brakes well to the point i am up for new rotors and i have seen a guy selling dba rotors on here for cheap soe has gave me the price for r32 gtst rotors but will this fit since i have these brakes on my car this might be a stupid question but if anyone noes it would be a big help for me thanks
  18. ok
  19. ahahaha finaly got spotted
  20. i am sorry if i have over reacted its just i have met alot of rude people on this forum and i thought u where one of them that have to make a smart remark on everything
  21. if you have not notice sarcasm is hard to tell over a chat
  22. yeah i do pretty much i also like to see how you show new members how we treat each other... i have met alot of nice people on these forum but there are them few that just want to try to insult people for no reason i think people like you that have no respect and obviously dont realy have a life should hold there breath and die... there is no space for people like you in this county.. did you understand that????
  23. if any questions ring me
  24. about 6-7 cars
  25. well we thinking the nasho but wen we all meet up we will make our final plans
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