well guys
on Thursdays night i had a few beers down at the pub and so i got my mate to drive my car home that hasn't had a drink..... so i was driving how and we got rbt that came uo as 0 and let us drive of then
we sore the red and blues behind us we pulled over and the police told me that my car hasn't had rego for 20 days i had a look at the dash and it had expired and since it is my second car i havnt reali looked at the window at the date...
nothing came to my house no renewel papers or reminder so i was in shock..
they made me keep the car on the road over night with my mate with a court notice next month...
then on Saturday morning went to the mechanics to get the car checked over for rego annd i got a list of stuff i have to do to get it pasted eg tires that where not in that bad condition, ball joints on the wheels, horn , bov grrrrrrr
i so my car is stuck at the shop till monday getting charge 450 to get it fixed to get rego
so yeah that was my weekend how was yours??????? lol