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Rev limmiter basher

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Everything posted by Rev limmiter basher

  1. yeah i checked thoes out but mine is a round plug with two round prongs. kinda like a power plug that ya put into your wall at home but mini
  2. hi how do you adapt the aerial that is in the windscreen to the plug that fits into the back of your headunit thanks guys
  3. hi where are the oil feed and drain fittings on the block. a pic that has a discripition would be great thanks heaps
  4. Hi i have heard that there is torrents out there with conzult sx. just wondering if anyone has a link because i cant find any all help is appreciated. Thanks
  5. HI ALL i have recentley bought a nissan consult Diagnostic Interface tool OBD. just wondering which is the best program to use for a r32 these are the ones that are compatable with it ZCSetup v.2.0 DDLreader: DDLreader v.15c / DDLreader v.16c ConZult ScanTechNissan Z-Control SRTalk v.1.0 ZTalk v.1.1 Nissan Data Scan v.1.4 Nissan Data Scan v.1.51 thanks
  6. thanks for the help. but what does the speed chime do when it works?? like let you know your doing over 100?
  7. It has the starter but no box. it also has flywheel also what wire will i need to power up? 12v supply? anything else?
  8. Hi I am buying a rb20det to put in to my r32 but am unsure if the motor is running or not. the motor is on a crate and has a ecu. The guy im buying it off has bought off someone else to put in a vl but had to sell the car. So what im getting to is, is it possable to run the motor on the crate (obviousley mounted) before i put it in the car only to find out that the motor dosnt run?? Thanks
  9. hi so as described in the title there is a clicking noise coming from behind the dash when traveling over 110 kmh. sounds like a relay clicking or something. any help people thanks
  10. ok thanks for that but i have finaly found a box that will fit in the boot
  11. how much for fraight of the bumper to whyalla S.A 5600
  12. hi i was wondering what the total number of the t10 and t5 bulbs where in a r32 dash thanks
  13. im located in whyalla south australia
  14. hey i was wondering if you put a relay in the headlight switch earth lead and hooked the relay up to the on position of your ignition would that make the headlights go out when you turn off the ignition. also when i switch to high beam my low beam projectors go out is this ment to happen? thanks
  15. hey just wondering if you put a relay in the headlight switch earth lead and hook the relay to the ignition on position if this will turn off your headlights with the key thanks
  16. hi just wondering if any one knows where you can get some 12" custom sub boxs to fit into a r32 boot thanks
  17. Hey guys I'm just wondering if any of you have done this. If so I want your opinion. I was thinking putting a relay on the headlight switch earth lead and attach the magnetizing coil to the on position of the ignition switch. Is this the correct way to go about this or is there a different way Thanks
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