No not yet, but i have replaced it with a walbro 260lh/hr pump. But i don't believe the issue to be fuel, as i can prime the system a few times and make sure the system has full pressure then start it with the same issue.
What they do is in the name. AAC Auxilary Air Controller and IAC Idle Air Controller. And i have replaced the IAC and cleaned the AAC. But i don't believe its either as once started it idles perfectly and does not faulter when load is placed on and off the engine (A/C). Im thinking electrical as i have noticed the first few cylinders firing sound almost like its mis-firing. Then once it gets up to speed ( >300rpm) it settles itself down. Ive also noticed when its cold there is a surge as soon as boost is coming on. Hence why im thinking either coil packs or maybe o2 sensor.
Any ideas yet? Replaced my injector o-rings as one was leaking, Removed and resealed all joiners on the intake. Cleaned the aac again. Adjusted the throttle. Still have the issue. Funny thing is from time to time it starts beautiful cold.