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Everything posted by skypilot

  1. looks good * * * www.carnetik.com
  2. maybe the camera operator pr*ck was under his quota of fines for the month so he set up on a hill??
  3. How often do you see cops parked at the bottome of the hill with their radar guns out?? it happens all the time. They will argue that the speed limit is there for a reason. Hill or no hill...
  4. Ive never heard that before?? i thought they do that on purpose to catch more ppl out. bad luck dude, good luck with it. www.carnetik.com * * *
  5. skypilot


    oh i see.. i havent seen one of those apexi systems around www.carnetik.com * * *
  6. RedlineGTR, how much did the alignment at tyrepower cost?? i might have to go there and get it done.
  7. skypilot


    i too have a super dragger.. its quite quiet on my r33.. u'll be hard pressed finding a quieter one unless its a stocky system. www.carnetik.com * * *
  8. looks mad.. i like the change of color to green.. v nice.. www.carnetik.com * * *
  9. very nice job Krzysiu.. looks good. www.carnetik.com * * *
  10. www.carnetik.com * * *
  11. ok i had a chat with my mechanic and he said that this is as low as he would recommend.. any lower and he said that the camber "may be" an issue www.carnetik.com * * *
  12. lower it is... :wassup: www.carnetik.com * * *
  13. here is the original.. www.carnetik.com * * *
  14. what u guys think?? www.carnetik.com * * *
  15. there is a Autobarn not too far from RMIT.. i think its on elizabeth, near Queen Vic Market.. Good luck.
  16. Job: Safety and Human Factors Engineer Work: Tenix Defence Aerospace Division
  17. yep like a bearing into a tin can is a good description of it. looks like we have the same issue. it would be great to work out what it is??
  18. the noise i get cant be avoided with careful clutch work. its always there. I know the clunking noise from sloppy clutch work and the noise i get is a single distint click, almost metallic like. turning the music up usually helps but i know its still there.
  19. My car also has the click when i reverse. Its actualy at its loudest when i reverse. i thought it could be my cat sensor wire knocking on the exhaust but i tied it up and the noise is still there.
  20. i have a series II and i experience the same noise when taking off. it doesnt effect perfomance but its annoying. i was thinking that maybe changing the diff oil might quieten it down?? its been there for a year or so.
  21. Im looking out for a place to get a towbar as well. If not a towbar then some roof racks.
  22. Door for sale. White, Front left hand, Series II door as shown in the picture. $90 selling due to lack of space in the shed. melb buyers only. 0412 046 852
  23. i have 36.. it works very well
  24. i'll pay 350 for the wing if you still have it.. and i would like the skirts also..
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