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Captain Natro

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Captain Natro last won the day on November 21 2013

Captain Natro had the most liked content!

About Captain Natro

  • Birthday 12/09/1992

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  1. On the way to downshift on the weekend
  2. Hey mate, glad to have you around. Do you have a project car you're working on?
  3. Mmm, nothing I can do. It needs rest to fix it
  4. Nursing a f**ked tendon in my arm, twanged it the other day doing big weight Tri extensions. Not happy, but nothing I can do about it
  5. Keep it up all night - reckless love
  6. What's cracking
  7. Thanks man, I've wanted a set for ages and jumped on these as soon as they came up for sale
  8. Happy now manuel, I worked out how to internet lol
  9. So a few little things have happened to the car since I last posted. Firstly the old vinyl bonnet finally kicked the bucket so with the help of my little cousin we blew a coat of two pack over a new one, which came up mint, cheers Andrew Before: After: The rest of the black vinyl covering the top and sides of the car after 4 years has all been replace with fresh 3M product, which was done by my mate Steve down at exclusive wraps in Brisbane. The car is now rolling on a set of 17x9 +22 all round Panasport G7 c5c's, which I picked up off Will Nelson down the coast, top bloke to deal with and from agreeing purchase them until I had them on the car was less than 24 hours. Here's some shots of the rims individually and some on the car:
  10. Ok fixed it they should work now lol
  11. *Post is now on next page*
  12. That's right Dan, we just catch Alzheimers and forget our passwords
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