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Captain Natro

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Everything posted by Captain Natro

  1. And this is why you need more cubes ya buncha pansies..
  2. Buy a tap king, you won't regret it
  3. Cheers whores
  4. Bullshit p plater rules now...
  5. Yep I'm still here
  6. I'm not following y there's tears
  7. Eh crickets alright, I'll watch it if I'm around cricket fanatics... I like 20/20 that's about it
  8. I can see McFly as a cricketer
  9. This can be arranged Mr Andrew
  10. Hit them with an axe... Post results
  11. Always man... Always. But no I do have a wooden set floating around at home, and my cousin made a set out of metal pipe on day.... Crazy bastard
  12. You don't throw nunchucks you throw shutiken stars... And I can use nunchucks quite well actually
  13. Anyone else picture a sign like the jack Daniels "jack lives here" but replace jack with Nick... No just me aww ok
  14. Post everywhere.... What's cracking mr ants, did u see the post about bunta telling me I was good at something
  15. Two jobs today 5-7
  16. I'm gona assume your talking about distances to work... Mines about 10 mins
  17. Ony lunch break now, f**k me 5 1/2 hours left
  18. Thank you kind knob jockey...
  19. Mmmhmmm, could be said about most of the whoretowns.... Long day is long
  20. Woohoo, I'm an expert in something I didn't know existed...
  21. Straw man?
  22. Nos purge > firecrackers in your exhaust
  23. Dude if you came running out of the dark all oggity boogity and dressed like that I'd shit myself.... So would 98% of people, the other two percent would die
  24. You've been scared.... But have u been vampirerabbitsanta scared?
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