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Captain Natro

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Everything posted by Captain Natro

  1. Yes well like I said I'm not going to drop $100+ on something I don't know if I like the taste of
  2. It's not a quality single malt lol I have blends around a lot as drink of choice is a rusty nail ie drambuie,blended scotch and a couple drops of lemon over ice, f**king delicious
  3. I had jw gold on the weekend, thought it was ok
  4. All walkers are blends, you should be able to buy like sample bottles of expensive scotches so you can tell if you like them
  5. And I'm out of drambuie
  6. Probley true about leaving it at the bottle shop but I have half a bottle of jw double black that needs to be drank and I duno tastes better on ice
  7. Cheap scotch gets ice
  8. What! No Ice... I like ice
  9. Long ass day at work... Scotch get in me
  10. Nick did but Nick probley shouldn't be giving the 5-0 reasons to pick on me
  11. Scott what have you been doing
  12. Which wheels are these?
  13. Oooook what's going on in here
  14. Pics! Edit: not a fan of tri spokes
  15. I duno, the ones I used to use lol
  16. Mine are 4/5 stud swap me something nice for them
  17. Google berk from the trap door
  18. Little blue stop motion man thing?
  19. Bunta I want a look! I need wheels cause mine no fit. Not usually a bbs style man but I like pictures so you know where to find me (on Facebook lol)
  20. Zac sell me your rims think you
  21. So rego paid fuarken $520.20 for 6 months
  22. Awww who shoved a rake up your ass? (Why you so cranky lol)
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