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Captain Natro

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Everything posted by Captain Natro

  1. Work is flat out busy atm, can't cook as fast as people are buying... And people are saying their pie is to hot.... THAT'S BECAUSE IT JUST CAME OUT OF A 270* OVEN YA TOOTHLESS HICK! [copy pasted from tbar thread]
  2. Little win for having a factory series 2 wing .... Even if it is on a series 1
  3. I didnt even realise they existed? Work is flat out busy atm, can't cook as fast as people are buying... And people are saying their pie is to hot.... THAT'S BECAUSE IT JUST CAME OUT OF A 270* OVEN YA TOOTHLESS HICK!
  4. Falling asleep? It's like what 1:20!
  5. Yes update ants stay on it, and #@Cadmoon its the same silver celica that was at happy laps at qr parked up near the canteen. #@Ants it blew up about 5-7ks from my house, took us probley 40 minutes ish to walk home.
  6. Morning all: - mr ants, the diff was in my mates "hellaflush" celica, we were out last night and he was being a moron. Went to slide this corner, clutch kicked second and it made an ungodly clunking grind noise and then just bang bang bang till it finally died about 300m down the road Hence the walking home last night
  7. Getting close come at me bed
  8. Just blew up the diff in the celica... Foot falconing it the 5ks home
  9. Yer 4 days till opens then will be hitting up a decent cruise somewhere with the brosephs for a weekend I think. Haven't had a decent run in ages, we all have such different cars
  10. Looked like a top day mr ants
  11. So what your saying... Is, your kinda like wolverine
  12. http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/_/dict.aspx?rd=1&word=DEI
  13. There was a decent sized write up on them in zoom! Magazine about 10 years ago lol
  14. To much deadly treadly
  15. I ment my old manWhat's going on scott
  16. Shit dude, not good. Chick a sickie I'm sitting around at work its kinda busy, my older found my skyline build last night... Then called me and was like "I had no idea how much work had gone into it"... I think it gave him proud feels
  17. To many scotcharoonies last night?
  18. More than you can afford pal... Ferrari Morning broad minded persons
  19. Later bro, I'm about to crash big week coming up
  20. No cams requirements, I would however recommend checking that your battery is secure
  21. Q.Why don't they speak English.... A. Cause they're Spanish
  22. Hmmm I do need a new pair of pink socks...
  23. Aww come on you have turbo and 4x4 and RB... You'd smash me. You've been in it before, nothing to be scared off ... Pinks ...
  24. Woohoo Lifting friends
  25. Top gear, Shania Twain and smashing a weights sesh.... #doyouevenlift
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