Tom and Chris (#@olloSKYLINEollo & #tommis85) have seen my drink an entire bottle and then go out to the pub.... Cadbury, haAnyway how's this arvo treating youse whores?
That poor little box lol, any work done to it? Cause if that's stock that's mental....
But it's typical I break mine making 130rwhp and you make butt loads and its fine
You work for 50c...
Do you work in the club?
Are you the guy that serves the bub?
Do you have the x if I'm into taking drugs?
Do you give out the hugs to the people who like being rubbed?
Coolness isn't a factor to take into consideration.... In which case none of you except maybe Luke would stand a chance anyway.
It's hard ATM without a decent car, 1 week 4 days
I'm hopeing to swing down to the monthly meet with Brian but, he hasn't gotten back to me yet and I really don't wana hatsu it up by myself cause its a 3 hour round trip