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Captain Natro

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Everything posted by Captain Natro

  1. Finished painting these suckers the other day, got rid of the nasty blue for go fast red
  2. Finished painting my calipers, no more nasty blue...
  3. Get away they're mine....In about a year when I can afford them
  4. * shifty eyes * Things are constantly occurring in the background that I don't inform people of
  5. Or a GTS with a v8 done up as a replica
  6. Had this last week nice enough for the price picked it up for $50
  7. Love when that happens, when I go on cruises we always change lanes at the same time looks cool
  8. So would I, but I don't think that's a thing lol
  9. No roids, just hard work
  10. They don't feel slow untill you own something quick, they will FEEL fast if you jump out of a diahatsu and get into an NA 33
  11. Have had the little gym nut brothers living with me for the last three weeks. Pre mapped out 4 day a week workouts aswell as no shit food in the house and all the supplements and chemicals I can pump into my body. #@tmnt #MINIHULK
  12. You can have 1 or the other... Not both, greedy Kent
  13. Haha I'm assuming he put j esus C hrist And ended up with Jesus Christ lmao
  14. As long as you kents give me the right channel this time unlike the scouting run for charity cruise
  15. Trying creatine.... Loading day 1 lol
  16. Hello peeps, missed the auto spectacular on the weekend dang it
  17. Shappenin' kents
  18. And flip off the imginary work monster
  19. Yay happy claps all round
  20. Well that's boring, ended up going for a run out near esk way
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