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Captain Natro

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Everything posted by Captain Natro

  1. *sweet supple love
  2. But I don't care about stupid tracks with corners
  3. .... Yer, I'm not upgrading them (need gearbox cam tune)
  4. I have no brakes or tires!
  5. Not a hope in hell, cause no brakes no tires auto.... And lakeside, my car
  6. I was thinking more along the lines of going diving with her.... Ifyouknowwhatimean
  7. I'll sexy you some classic Disney movies to download you poor neglected overgrown child
  8. Yer if my tune was hella rich it might be ok lol
  9. Black r33 with white rims, blonde female driver going through Gatton around 1230. Had an SAU Qld sticker on the drivers side quarter... I waved but was in the Hatsu' (in saying that it also has SAU stickers and charity cruise stickers on it)
  10. Ill make it a real boat then
  11. If your keen to have a passenger in Shamu for the trip down... Ill go halvsies in fuel money
  12. Yes she will!!! It'll have themes of love, temptation and kinky r33 sex
  13. Almost borrowed a set of 16s my mate had with 185s or 195s stretched onto it for happy laps but thought I'd just get myself into trouble
  14. *dies of dehydration waiting for notes*
  15. I've done a shit load bloody Mondays are busy
  16. Wasn't Taylor was playing European 90s techno
  17. Fat kid on a cupcake, but nah it does Handel nice... Some new rear tires wouldn't hurt lol
  18. Don't be jelly cause u weren't invited... Also work is going hella slow atm
  19. Hmm this gives me an idea
  20. Bit of early morning scooter action today lol*glow sticks may of been knives in reality*. Is a top song this is what I rolled into happy laps blaring out of my car http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=71I2eAOT4L0&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D71I2eAOT4L0
  21. Maria believe me I like it..... LOUD *grabs glow sticks and jumps around work
  22. *sung to snow whites one day my prince will come* Ooooooone daaaaaay my platesssss will come ....
  23. By order of a psychologist or a doctor? Well I suppose they both can be doctors.... Hmmm mind blown, either way your sick
  24. Nope no one lol
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