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Captain Natro

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Everything posted by Captain Natro

  1. Settle it where the big boys play.... 400m... 2 cars one winner one loser
  2. I'm always on the phone
  3. I'm glad your confident in the matter
  4. I hate cold weather at least when it's hot i can sit in my acc drink my cc and dry and laugh at the people who are still stuck outside as I finish at 1pm lol
  5. Why oh why has my stupid boss ordered himself a new computer.... Where's my new f**king computer!!!!
  6. .... You forgot to add "last night in my dream" at the end of that sentence
  7. Yer long day man, and then you get to do it all again tomoro .... What's a bever panel
  8. Cause they were so scary , the shirts are fine I love mine... Make me
  9. I guaranteed Brian will be in for thisAnd by guaranteed I mean presume
  10. Muhaha mischief... I'm in the whore chair.
  11. I'm not sure if I'm doing it on purpose or not but I seem to be subliminally boycotting SAU qld forum
  12. Hope you ordered one size less then your real size lol
  13. Depends on plans on Saturday but if numbers are up then yep
  14. Mr Chris, what's chill banging on your side of the woomba?
  15. New reckless love song
  16. Dish > concave truestory.jpg If you can't lie your iPhone sideways in your rim you don't have enough dish... Also if you can fit your iPhone flat ways between your tire and your guard you don't have enough low. #Flatcapperforlife
  17. Just did a quick google, sell them to someone with a gtst... They give some nice poke
  18. Yer turn left to go right, and he's only been on the tbar front for a month... Give me time boy geez. Yer and after all the magical times we've shared still no number was recieved... http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=nSz16ngdsG0&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DnSz16ngdsG0
  19. He's hectic bbs fakies I believe?Edit see above
  20. Mayb... God I hate Brisbane I'll try and rope up some enthusiasm, also where were my sau business cards on the weekend that you promised me Scott huh huh!
  21. Oh sorry bro I heart your wheels something chronic but two problems mines 4 stud and arnt they like 19x10 +15 or something stupid lol Also we talking Brian as in turn right to go left Brian?
  22. And all sat around playing the doodlesack... Seems like something I'd expect from you When was the last time you saw a sack of doodles just sitting around? Lol
  23. You do have the glasses for it, miniskirt an a pony tail and your hired. No phone number means no sexts come on you should know this by now.... And good I'm sitting on a chair in the other thread waiting for them
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