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Captain Natro

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Everything posted by Captain Natro

  1. Freakin Brisbane buses, hate 'em. Good luck with it Tony
  2. Paralysed - the used
  3. Tons of threads on this kinda stuff guys , use the search button
  4. Ahh right I did read about that, do I have to be present to vote?Can I vote for Taylor Swift? Lol
  5. Ahh thank you Gummy Also all states are full of these Kent cops
  6. Sunday?
  7. Yep qld section under the events heading... I should be there for the April one so keen
  8. Yes tony I'm one of you, one of you!Scarnon, come to Gatton and get ur quads DVD lol ... I'll let you drive the Skevy
  9. Falling in reverse - raised by wolves, I am not a vampire, drug in me is you
  10. So I'm all set for playing some sau spotto
  11. I got 2 sau qld stickers A LAN yard Some spotto cards A membership card A Wrapture card lol
  12. I got my sau qld pack today.... Annnnd to celebrate. Car selfies That I can't be bothered posting Ordered pizza!!!
  13. Hellllooooo nsw what's going on down in this backward time changing land of hipsters
  14. Ahh good ol schooling, goes faster then u like to think it does. I miss it
  15. Scarnon man, just dropped a knife on my foot... No damage due to high top coverse goodness lol
  16. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/421407-r32-gtst-great-condition/#entry6787724
  17. Morning all
  18. just bumping this up so I don't forget about it
  19. I love with this! (Big intro just skip to chorus)... http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=Ga2r8bpzo5k&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DGa2r8bpzo5k
  20. How you going mate, haven't been up to the sunny coast for a few years so not sure on what the import scene is like
  21. Stuck like glue cover by trix
  22. Nah I think it skipped on a bump at the same time I hit third... Sounded tough though lol
  23. Yer silver, is lime flavour I believe
  24. Sarp broad minded persons *raises can of silver redbull*
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