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Captain Natro

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Everything posted by Captain Natro

  1. Soon hopefully... As I keep saying if you want to talk smack ill galdley meet anyone at qr or willowbank and you can prove to me I'm wrong, if not shut up and go chuck skids before u have to go back to school
  2. Ok in my drunken haze I will agree with mark.... Points a got from that: *drifting is hardly a cheap sport .... Stuff it I'm to drunk or this, get a v8 or a turbo or have fun getting beaten by magnas lol
  3. Ally & Aj - closure
  4. Good... Goooooood lol
  5. Seems you's are having trouble getting your overpowered cars sideways - I don't want to go sideways, it's the slowest way around a track (especially a drag strip) Enjoy spending your hard earned money on something that is just going to get looked past - my cars bright red and a loud V8.... Tell me again how people are "looking past" it
  6. How to delete abs.... Eat McDonald's for every meal for a month, no more abs
  7. I'm not to take anything away from your comment, but an atmo rb25 is faster then an atmo rb30
  8. That Could be any south brissy suburb lol
  9. Look out dude... Your jealousy is showing lol (Plus he did it one handed.... With a pink cowboy hat, beat that )
  10. Was going to mention robbie bolgers Monaro but thought, why confuse them further when there making so much sence!
  11. Nelly - just a dream
  12. And theres your answer, are NAs really that slow, yes, I'm glad we agree. Lock this
  13. Please give the OP actually facts and not your opinions Everything I've mentioned here is fact, if you want to sit there and argue against it be my guest. You can drift a wheel chair (this is fact! YouTube it lol), on a serious note YouTube CA18de auto drift, this is my mate "drifting" and that car was the slowest thing this side of molasses! You can drift ANYTHING commo falcon supra wheelchair it's irrelevant to the performance of the car I don't see how drifting even comes into the argument
  14. Never tracked? Have had my NA at lakeside before, nothing like coming onto the straight and feeling that rush of... Oh wait there is no rush just noise, 135-137-140 end of straight woohoo
  15. Easiest way to do this if your realy have your heart set on tubing would be to convert the entire rear end to a four link set up and go from there... Not recommended for a street car and its not cheap
  16. Good to see a few cars heading out, not sure if I'm going yet weathers not looking overly promising but hopefully it'll fark off by then
  17. I do no such thing, once uve seen a fat chick in tights do it it's always associated with it What has been seen can not be unseen
  18. How's it going wilkommen? Welcome
  19. Desire - Ozzy Osbourne
  20. ill keep you posted (or more then likely will sext you updates) but i should be able to attend
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