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Captain Natro

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Everything posted by Captain Natro

  1. Right , might scoot down
  2. Haha, it's the biggest cruise of the year mate... It's a pretty big day, info should be in the events section. I'm not sure at this point who's heading down but I definetly am
  3. Hey mate, pm me or post here I'm going on the scouting run on Saturday for cc and the weekend after is cc. But like I said pm me/Chris/tom and we'll sort something out... I could go a double short expression with 2 sugars lol
  4. Isn't? Or hasn't I'm not denying my lack of engine building skill, I'll pay someone else to build the abombs donk
  5. 12.4 nice.... Tell him to come down here and play with the big boys in 6 months
  6. Dental work is crazy expensive man, I've spent a fortune on mine trying to get them fixed... And they still look rubbish :wahhh:
  7. Pretty sure Cutty said he was heading down to this one, look for a silver 33 Gtr...
  8. Well that may be the case, but I'm sure if you wrote a stern worded letter to them they may get something in the works
  9. Being out of data sucks
  10. Less than two weeks people
  11. To what? Toowoomba lol
  12. Yay! Back at work... What are u ring spanners doing today
  13. Pair of pliars and a couple shots of scotch... I'll fix that tooth for you
  14. Finished the beret into rum
  15. I'm also not going
  16. We're not going out man, sitting here playing gta online lol only peeps here
  17. Beer time has been going for two hours
  18. Rule 1 don't sell your tools Rule 2 keep at least one toy ( be that motor bike/car/race car
  19. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SfOp8tMq2BY&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DSfOp8tMq2BY That hip swing in the first 2mins f**king schwing
  20. I just realised something, f**k I'm proud if this club
  21. He's received skid pics from me before
  22. Ballentines and ginger beer tonight .... Maybe a diet coke later for Taylor sake
  23. Not yet but soon, knocked off bishes!!!
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