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Captain Natro

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Everything posted by Captain Natro

  1. 445 instead of 2375
  2. Yes, Evonick called me this twice on Saturday.... (Well funny man, same thing lol)
  3. Ah pish posh, you know you're special Tom
  4. Could possibly pass for it ATM with post workout pump, I did just get called a cloud lol
  5. Hmm I'm not tall enough to be a yeti
  6. I'm not known as QLD's biggest whore for nothing
  7. Hungry sweaty mess SHOWER TIME!
  8. Lifting and drinking a cc and redbull Prositives v negative evens out lol
  9. Just the SAU group.... So. Tom Chris Ants Tony Phil Zac Titan Platsy Luke Lachlan Manuel Frosty Mike Scott Ibrox90
  10. Tom and Chris know those feels bro lol
  11. To many prunes?
  12. I'm trying, I'm only a poor 21 year old worker
  13. You can never have to many tuff 33's
  14. So eta on the emo?
  15. Oh ok envy have been quite well publicised in magazines and the like ... Not going into on a public forum but just the viewpoint of them I've been shown. But yes that look on a 33 is full of schwing
  16. You're so gay by Katy Perry, makes me lose my shit every time... Kinda killed my lifting mood lol http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tWbLkXhGEmo&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DtWbLkXhGEmo
  17. Just say the place bro aslong as a feed and a beer is in the middle it's all good Love a rolling show and shine down the highway
  18. Yeah what a dick
  19. Clock radio, so annoying
  20. Sesame seeds, like bobby pins, just appear for no reason everywhere
  21. It does but $380 for one day I can't argue with
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