ART888 Take it from me bro, im on my greens in NSW i get my blacks tomorrow and i bought a 350GT in feb this year, the RTA told me it was not on the prohib list even tho a few months later it showed up on there online site in fine print, i have been lucky as f**k not to get pulled over since i bought it, if i was in your situation i would save the cash for a nice 34GTT once your off your Ps i drove a camry till i bought my V and i can tell you if you crash an import you are gona h8t ur life for a long time, they are a beautifull thing and you dont want to mess one up. Get some driving experence under ur belt for a while 1st then get an import, as even a fender bender is gona cost you as most parts you need to import to replace. BTW insurence on NA imports is huge, for you prob a mini of 2k on full comp on a 34 or a S15.