The cost of the harness for both was like $190 from ebays, and yeh feels like some fast and the furious shit strapping ur self it. The best one tho is when u roll through maccas drivethrew at 2am with a racing harness on in a GTR, the Jaws drop.
Total spent on the car now im around 15k still, but thats only stage 1 and i still need to do ECU clutch fuel pump and injectors.... Once its paid off and daily is aquired i will be putting in a half cage, rear seats out, big single, Fuel system ECU ect. lots of $$$$$$ and full engineer for the street. But that is along way off just pipe dream for now.
BTW does anyone know of an RB26/30 that has been stolen around newie/coast just saw one posted forsale saying it has no engine numbers.