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  1. Was browsing the forums on here and noticed that a fair few people had an interesting wow so I thought i'd advertise here and see if I get any luck. I don't have time for the game anymore, but I've put a tremendous amount of work into the account. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/barthilas/comeat/simple There is a link to the main character on the account, level 85 Holy Paladin, has epic Prot and Ret sets too. Heaps of cool rare / cool mounts. 2 Legendaries, Thunder-fury and Hand of Ragnaros, just for showing off Got all the expensive things like, travelers tundra mammoth and a chopper. Almost 11k achievement points, heaps of unobtainable titles like "the immortal" "the undying" Cleared 12/12 on the character and a few HM's. The account has a level 85 hunter in greens and a 40 priest decked out in BoA gear. I am the original owner of the account and have the CD key's and am happy to provide everything. Would much prefer dealing with someone on here than through some dodgey website. I am happy to meet someone if they're close enough and would like to do this in person. The account has just under 2 months of game time left on it. If you have any questions about it at all / want to know more information please email me, or send me a message on these forums. Contact number is 0405070193, its better to sms as I live in a semi blackspot for mobiles and I often lose reception for a few minutes at a time. Looking at around $1000 for it but throw me an offer and we can take it from there.
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