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  1. vdub

    Micolour panel shop

    Is there anyway to get a hold of him to see who he recommends?
  2. Micolour panel shop Does anyone know what happened to Micolour work shop? number is disconnected if anyone knows how to get in contact can they let me know.
  3. Hey guys Recently had my engine rebuilt by one workshop that shall remain unnamed. The worn in period for the motor is pretty much over and need to go back for a service and new ecu and tune. However i feel the boys at Racepace will do a better job tuning it. Is this situation uncommon? I only ask because the builder gave me a years warranty on the motor and i would like to keep it. so i suppose the real question is, should the builder honor the warranty even though ill get the tune from somewhere else?
  4. did some more digging around on the net and people seemed to be puzzled by this middle port http://www.skylineowners.com/forum/showthread.php?t=37694 its a tokico master cylinder.
  5. here is from the top with silicon over it to stop brake fluid going everywhere
  6. anyone had leaking from this part of the master cylinder?? easy fix or full reco? the picture is upside down for some reason... 32 gtr
  7. Excuse my ignorance but I recently had work done on my car. They supplied me with a invoice of all the parts and cost. However they gave me no receipts of the parts they brought. should I go back and get the receipts? or just getting the invoice the norm?
  8. yeah but what type of -7 though. no end thread..
  9. As the title states whats going to be the best option for response and still make the 300-320 mark on a rb26 twin scroll the way to go or waste of money? full boost by 3500?? was thinking a pair of n1 but maybe there is something better on the market with better power out and response budget is 4k but i do need some cash left over for a decent ecu thanks for the suggestions
  10. Not blown that I know of, head gasket gone /warped head. I got a quote from glenn at chasers in melb on a rebuilt motor. 2k to remove engine/head and refit, 1600 reco head. maybe there will be more hidden costs
  11. Hello all, I’m refreshing my rb26 and I have about 15k to spend. Now - 1600apox for the labor to take out and build And - 1000apox for a new clutch And - 1200apox for reco on the head leaves me roughly 11k to dump on the rest of the motor/setup The car is totally stock besides a larger radiator, new timing belt and 2 o2 sensors. Not looking to push beyond 330kw because it’s purely a street car and I might need to drive it outside of the weekend. Where should I use the money to try and make it reliable as possible?
  12. yeah the engine is coming out to change the head, anything else? new oil pump? the car runs, mechanic doubts any damage to the bottom end. Want more power but want to focus on response
  13. Hey guys i have a completely original 32 GTR which hasn't been modified in anyway but unfortunately the radiator poped which caused the motor to overheat. The damage report is a blown head gasket and possibly a warped head. So I need to some help in deciding what to do. my options are A)just fix the blown gasket and warped head-lowest price i got quoted was 3500, and that was best case scenario, worst case was 5500 with nothing wrong to the block. melbourne btw but with that kind of money that's half way to a new forged motor possibly b30/26 so option b) just use the money to build a new motor instead and swap the old out for new? my car has just been sitting in the garage for the last 5 month have no idea what my options could be or which on to choose..... any help or ideas?
  14. Ok so what does vacuum test, pressure test and surface grind check for, to see if the head it still in good nick? Worst case sinario I f**ked the head and needs to be replaced? How much for a new head? What would be the labor cost invouled with that, or time to put a new head in? What are the vrs kits?
  15. What caused it was the radiator dropped all the water out when I was driving and over heated.
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