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Everything posted by phunky_monkey

  1. I NEED to get back out there, it's killing me...
  2. Good work guys, best of luck!
  3. Looking good! Best of luck to Jeff, hope he does well. I met him at the Lake Mountain Sprint and he's a really nice guy.
  4. Hey, if they can do it then good on them!
  5. Second hand 997's for 90k... I'll take two! I think you'll find you'll get an old 3.4 996 for that price. Philta: From most reports I've seen the GT-R was built to compete with the 911 turbo...
  6. Hey Russ, this post is a year old mate
  7. Yeah, but it wouldn't be CAMS approved, so it's useless for competing with. I'll be aiming to get one in the latter half of the year. If I roll I'm dead for sure, so it seems like good insurance Being tall isn't always great...
  8. 288 GTO is what you're referring to I think. Scathing: Top posts mate, and spot on.
  9. Good work Troy
  10. 993 would be my choice.
  11. May seem like a good isea now, but it would truly be a pain in the arse! You can't head check, reach to the glovebox, change CD's etc if it's done up tight... use the seatbelt for the road I use a Willans 3 inch 4 point and love it, well worth the money for me. Now to justify the money for a passenger
  12. Surprised you let a 180sx owner drive your car, let alone a commo driver! haha
  13. Hey Troy, have you thought about the effects that the new diff may be having on your car under brakes? The problem never occurred before the fitment of the mech. diff...
  14. The real question... what capacity is your engine Matt?
  15. Will be good to see the Subaru boys in action. The lineup of cars isn't very exciting though... oh well
  16. Nice choice Troy, great minds think alike!
  17. I've got the other version of the Ray's nuts, but the extended long version so I could fit them over long studs if need be (ie taking spacers off). They're nice Paid $200 for them new, but from a 'private' seller who had a few sets.
  18. Thanks for that, turns out I didn't know what it was either! I always thought it referred to a 2 piece rotor, ie floating on the hat. Now I know!
  19. Looks like he's from the US mate, and I'm pretty sure Brembo are available there quite easily.
  20. I would think the AP kit would come with 2 piece rotors too, so that shouldn't be any difference between the two. Is the F50 kit new or used? From what I've seen I'd go the AP kit
  21. I'll do a drive-by for you if you want
  22. S14/15 is the easiest, next to GT-R's. Pity the suspension components aren't compatible with an S13
  23. It's so compliant, it's awesome! Big bumps rattle it a bit, but with the springrates you'd expect it, but over the normal smaller stuff it just soaks them up. Amazing stuff! I was shocked...
  24. Congrats Pete! All the best mate
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