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Everything posted by phunky_monkey

  1. The Enzo is rarer - 400 units produced as opposed to 1250 GT's, but it's a Porsche, so, you know, it's just better...
  2. It's nice, I'm a fan. Does look similar to a VE Clubsport
  3. Can I ask which method you use?? I am going to be in a similar situation quite soon, and with so many theories floating about it's hard to tell which is the best way to go... Thanks Dane
  4. RIP Carerra GT Should have wrecked an Enzo, would have been less of a loss
  5. Happy birthday mang!!
  6. Hey mate, I'd definately recommend sitting in a Bride Zeta before you buy one as I personally found them to be very tight around the shoulders. I'm about 6'4", and have large shoulders though. I went through this saga a little while ago, and after going through 3 seats I settled on the Recaro SPA which was by far the most comfortable, lightest, and had the best proportions for my body (slim hipped, big shoulders). The SPA is very pricey though, but the SPG is about half the price and has very similar dimensions from memory, so I'd take a look at them.
  7. Looks tip top Jack!!
  8. Happy birthday Bris!!
  9. Hey all, Bought a ticket for a friend yesterday and he can't make it anymore, so if anyone wants it I'm selling it for what I paid for it. $175 Cheers Dane
  10. ^^^ What he said! Thanks for the great year all, and thanks to the commitee for doing such a top job!
  11. It's ATTESSA and yeah, it does. But they won't fit regardless.
  12. Welcome to the Victorian Evo club... oops, sorry, I mean SAU
  13. That's nasty... but glad to hear everyone was ok
  14. Looks like I'm going to get booted off quick sticks then... I guess I'll be making up a pipe to plumb in that external gate for PI Nice times guys!
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLOq9obn8P0&embed=1 Enjoy
  16. Feck, glad to see you're ok Sarah
  17. phunky_monkey

    Deca Promo

    Top video, very cool
  18. I wish I'd never seen that... I want so much of it... Lucky I already have the Gulf lanyard
  19. Thanks guys. I may be a touch confused, but I know that there was a HSV day on this month at some point at PI, so I'll keep digging. I don't want to enter anything Bec, just want to take a look see EDIT: Way off It was in October
  20. Thanks Bec, but I remember it being posted on here and a few people were thinking of entering, but now I can't find any details. Maybe it was cancelled?
  21. Hey all, Just a quick question, does anyone know what day the HSV Owners club is going to PI this weekend, if there is one?? I vaguely remember there being sprints on this weekend, but I need confirmation. Pretty sure it was the 16th... Cheers Dane
  22. Great shots mate! One day I'll make it over there to see a Tsukuba super battle
  23. Spy pic of the new Evo:
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