You should save up some money, think of a good business to invest. Just envy the skyline drivers for a few more years and I think you could pay off your skyline in no time. Have you been to the fruit market. People are driving MERC AMG not cheap staff and holden GTO and 350Z are just a few I've seen.
Anyway you need to make good money to support your hobby. I think buying the car is only half the journey, mantaining and running costs are the other half.
Jaxes maybe you could speak to GESTER and let him get you a better job. NOT all IT jobs are well paid. HELPDESK 25K - 35K , IT NET ADMIN could be 40K+. JUST GET YOUR CCNA and a bit of routers experience. that could increase your pay a little bit. OR do onsite tech on the side and CLAIM TAX on PETROL.
my 50 cents worth