Looking for a set of wheels for my pearl V35.
Thinking black with chrome, zenetti or lenci or??????
Any comments or tips to look out for ? 19,20 or 21inch?
Thanks Zei 201. Just wondering is it really worth it? how much anyway?
Yep a stock radio is ok if you don't mind a classic hits in Sydney or just hearing channel 7. Both are very clear. Guess that is the max that the frequency will go.
Anyone know where to get a "special" tint in Sydney as well. Probably say as low as 15% or 20%?
Hi New to this forum as I have just purchased a V35 late 2005 series 3.
Couple of questions, is it worth to have a newradio put in and also what does all that japenese mean on the pop up screen.
Thanks all any help advice would be great.