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Everything posted by EVO83

  1. Factory amp hmmm. Sounds right but it has never been on any of the other cars that we have done.
  2. When taking off the back shelf of one of the R33's I saw this lil silver box. What the hell is this?? It is on the drivers side strut just under the shelf.
  3. R34 4 Door, 2 Door and GTRs are all includec I have been told. I belive the price wont be under $4,500. If I was him Id charge $7,000 cos we know ppl will pay to get there car in.
  4. He is in Sydney. Dont know anything more give him a call. We are getting some plates off him very soon we hope. So if anybody wants help importing an R34 give me a buzz.
  5. INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS PTY LTD NOW HAVE R34 Compliance plates. The First to get the plates.
  6. Marlin you can watch from the side line AAHAHAH.
  7. hmm my cars just slow, hmmm and makes lotza noises, hmm i think its time to upgarde. VP 4 SALE
  8. Ive had 3 mates have there cars taken away for 48 hours wasnt good for them, 1 ended up having his car sold on him at the auctions and he cryed when he found out how much it went for. There are storys of cops now using the impounded cars as there very own hooning cars. They get you to race them in 180SX and then there is a cop car around the corner. This is what the talk was about ona cruize i went on a lil while back. Damn them cops. Let us have a bit of SAFE fun and dont pull us over just cos we got a good car, hat, sound system, mags or what ever. (This dosnt count for the RICE BOY CIVICS, Pull over at will) :wassup:
  9. Here is a Genuine 4 Door GTR that was at the Auctions a week back.
  10. Marlin you would be amazed on what this car can handle and what it will be producing soon. PSI350 knows what he is doin he wouldnt risk his car.
  11. Im so going to find a 1989 GTR at Auction and post the auction sheet. I think a lot of you guys will be amazed. I saw one last week that only had 1 panel that hadnt been in an accident.
  12. I was in the city one night after work. Id been chating to this hot grl that was in my work that day and found out she drove a white 180SX I joked with her and told her she should let me drive it. She did man I drove the balls out of that thing. Shit my self every time I changed gears. Bit of a power difference when I owned a 1976 TX Gemini 1.6L 4spd. And looking back at it she knew her shit shed put a fair bit of money into it. Pitty we didnt last id have a 180 to drive around all da time. I luv mummys grlz.
  13. PUT A PHAT BODY KIT ON IT 18" CHROMES, LOTSA NEONS, STICKERS, AND BIG MASS DOOF DOOF. NO BODY WILL WANNA MESS WIT YA. :wassup: Nah u came to the right place these boyz know there shit. as said EXH is a must and make sure its turbo back soooo many ppl forget about it when they buy there cars off us it cost shit all to get but opens the Exh right up for you. Reset your computer as well so it learns the way you drive.
  15. ALLSTAR TUNING SYSTEMS. 3265 7185. They are in Virginia and we give them all of our work. They are very good and just did alot of the work on the D/C champs car. Tell em Zac sent you. And ask for richard. They do a lot of skylines and are very very good at there work. Never had a problem.
  16. What The Hell Is Going On Someone Is Posting Under My Name And Editing My Posts. Own Up.
  17. I just found out that the WHite R33. number plates PSI350 won the Autosalon or sumthin anybody confirm this for me.?? And what did u think of this car????
  18. http://raws.dotars.gov.au/rawswebpublic/RA...AWPubSearch.asp this is the website you want to look at to see what cars can come in.
  19. For a R33 S1. I have 2 in good conition. $20 each or both for $30. PM Me.
  20. on the left hand side of the tool bar there is. SEARCH for a RAW. go into that then you can see what cars are availbe on a drop down bar. If your car is not there then you can not bring them in.
  21. If You Want The Answeres Look At The Dotars Web Site. They Have A List Off All The Raws And There Cars. Only R33's Can Be Complied. I Dont Understand How Ppl Can Be Bringing In All These R34's As I Am At The Docks At Least 2 - 3 Times A Week And Have Not Seen 1 On The Docks. Please Look At The Web Site And Then All Will Be Answered I Hope.
  22. EVO83

    Look Out

    so did u see the beast?? I was unable to go as I had to work. Plus the heat was too much for a VIC boy like me. Next time.
  23. dont damage the paint work
  24. EVO83

    Look Out

    GTST and just found out he will be at Drag Combat. It will be his first run so moight have sum lil problems but will be good to see him run. He is going in today to wind up the boost at the mo its runing 1 bar but will be wound up a fair bit more. When I said enough for a house I didnt mean a hole has just an experssion.
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