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GTR King

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Everything posted by GTR King

  1. Matt i hate to say it but the lighter the flywheel the more the car will bog. Its all about inertia and rotating mass. Sure it might rev slightly quicker but off the mark is everything and unless u have MEGA grunt i reckon u will go backwards. Time will tell but im pretty sure u shot yourself in the foot there. Good for mallala racing but thats about it. Not trying to be negative just stating a fact. Either way a good clutch is worth its weight in gold.
  2. ROFL i have to laugh at ppl that advertise rice. I say make it go fast before u make it look good. Get blown off by a Volksy in your rice car would make me laugh. hehe
  3. If u want your car serviced and checked over gimme a Private Msg i can beet any one on price. :]
  4. Good idea John, I reckon im gonna get some "P" plater in my car up the hills to see how long before he slams the wall :] Nar thats the sorta thing that might keep ppl interested more. So when u handing me the keys ? EH HE Sounds good as long as ppl treat the cars with respect like they should.
  5. Whatsisname r u joking? Cut up an ORIGINAL GTR , have u gone crazy ? That the biggest sin! I wish i could but i cant bear to think about it :[ Tubs is outa the question. gaurds have already been rolled. Main prob is hanbrake cables get in the way. Ill just have to do with what i got atm. Nothing wrong with a bit of wheel spin. Diff gears will help stop that a bit i hope.
  6. Got it in 1 shot. Go the supercharger from hell. Im just worried about the wheel spin with that sorta power and 225s on the back. Either way will be fun :] ROFL diggity i love the indicator bit hehe 10 points
  7. Kewl Andrew sounds good to me, at least it would be fun with the way u drive :] Have fun on the holiday. See u soon.
  8. Wheres it leaking from dude? Maybe i can help.
  9. OK np,s ill keep an eye out anyway dude :]
  10. Yeah @ $1300 a shot i reckon i can get a new diff every week. When my work gets more active, as im off for 2 weeks atm so low funds atm, I will suprise a few of u. Got some plans on the table to make it more cruiser friendly not to mention LOTS faster, as if it aint fast enough. I reckon 4.11-1 or 3.9-1 instead of the 4.56-1 would be better with the new combo im gonna do. Got some Engine mods coming up soon that will push shit loads more power. I bet u can guess whats in the making but. Will go from a street weapon to an all round MONSTER. Just wait and see.
  11. Nar BS the ultimate group transport would be this, Does just over 320kph and has an F1 engine , gearbox. I gota get me one of those.
  12. Insert whinge about diff gears "HERE".
  13. ROFL, I gota get me one of those:] :burnout:
  14. Sounds good but wont save u if u get some "P" plater Knob Jokey sitting up your ass like happened to me on the 4,6 @ Rotary cruise. I had some wanker sitting 3 meters from the back of my car for 12 of the cruise. Some wanker in a white Saab. In future im gonna pull over and let em go when they tail gate me. Any one else get this prob on cruises?
  15. Yeah, I reckon Minda buss`s all round for some drinks and a good meal and leave the cars at home :]
  16. I know that car u r on about, I met the owner a while back at a servo and said "Nice Ride" So i deffinatly keep and eye out for it. Sorry to hear about that. Thiefs need the nut suck ripped off by a slow moving tractor. Did the car have a big wing on the back? Just wanna make sure its the same car. Was the guy that owned it an Oriental? no offence. Just wanna make sure im looking for the right car.
  17. Alice Springs woot. Well if u want i can drive one of your Hot Rods for ya and be designated driver for the day, but thats your call. Either way im interested but im not taking my car. Either that or ill go with some one else. Im easy but would be good to go out for the day with the guys and girls :]
  18. Ok CheekyR32 me and u can go get pissed and have some fun, bugger the cars let wine and dine :]
  19. Or Andrew i can mosey along with u in your rocket ship if u dont mind. Just my car doesnt like open road constant 6000 rpm cruising. Either way im keen just dont wanna frag my engine doing it.
  20. Yawn, Looks like the old school days r gone and the fairys r here. Andrew how about this? Forget about the cruise and lets go to a resteraunt and have a sit down dinner and some drinks. Some where like Jo Jo`s or some place nice. Just a sugestion. Buggered if im going to murry bridge with 4.5s in the diff
  21. Thank the cops for what? They havnt hassled me in the 12 years i have had my car. So what the deal with chickening out from town cruises.
  22. Damn all these open road cruises, what ever happened to the town blast? Need some low speed action instead of boring open roads. Well thats my say.
  23. BTW Andrew that Cortina is Motec fuel injected and runs 200+ hp NOS as well. I know Dave Adams and thats what he runs in it. Still its a sick six engine for a 250 x-flow.
  24. BTW Andy im gonna save up for some tyres methinks. Might give u some runs in the near future. Not cheap but worth the fun in the long run. Besides i wanna show Matt some old school 6 cly action hehe. Nar it will be fun anyway. I got rid of the butterfly syndrome long ago. Comp meets with in excess of 20,000 ppl get rid of butterflys quick , trust me. After that tis all smooth sailing. Tip of the day " Dont hit the wall, It is very Hard !"
  25. Matt my car run best of 12.7 @ 107 mph and i can tell u traction is everything. Clutches will suffer but to get good Drag Racing times u need a good 60 ft time no ifs no buts. It is where a car shows its best performance and rapid ET drops. Autos with high stalls r the go but with manual big revs and Sticky tyres r the go. Although this can lead to breakages. As u can see my car doesnt have the top end of Forced Induction motors but ET is faster. Gearing in diffs is also a factor. From memory my best 60 ft was around 1.78 seconds. Just go to show that 125 rwkw and gearing makes i BIG difference if u can Hook Up. Just ask Munro how important 60ft times r to your ET :] Any way glad u had fun. Im sure the mechanic will be glad to see u as well hehe.
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