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Everything posted by Mitcho_7

  1. Ive got a 33 one if you get real stuck
  2. workmanship of that quality is a modern marvel!
  3. You sir, have a problem...
  4. Fair enough, would be a shame to see the 32 go though. Unless you replaced it with that red 32gtr from nz in the for sale section atm... Your sons evo xiii is nice, I have always been a fan of them. I have actually been toying with the idea of selling the line and getting an evo ix
  5. I daresay you could have smoked him if you wanted, but Evos can make some serious power as well. Granted they are few and far between that are putting out 400+kw. Regardless, it doesn't explain why he was driving like a douche!
  6. Why are you selling the 34 Richard?
  7. Just go to a servo and use the air compressor or something
  8. I'm not an expert by any means, but if you have an rb26 engine you should use the rb26 ecu and wiring
  9. Initially, You need to build a base level of fitness so going for a jog at a pace you are comfortable with and slowly increasing the speed on each subsequent run is fine. This will be working your aerobic energy system predominantly. But long term that's not going to help as much. If you want to be fast, you train fast and you increase your training intensity or volume. Having good anaerobic capacity/lactate threshold is just as important for running as high vo2's. Steady paced training won't do anything to stimulate changes in you anaerobic energy system/increase your lactate threshold. Obviously you don't train flat out all the time and you need to make sure you get your recovery time in. But the basic principals are the same for most fitness type things, progressive overload (through volume, intensity weight etc) and you tailor them to suit your goals.
  10. wow, that is possibly the worst thing you could do to your car...
  11. big single is the way of the future and they look sweet as well
  12. how much laggier is the .82 5558, is there much real world experience on an rb with them?
  13. Yeh, it's a nice as car. Precision are all the rage in FI ATM it seems and why not with the numbers they are pulling!
  14. Sounds like a certain tuners car no?
  15. I'm the opposite to you, my bench is almost as good as my squat which is appalling. I just gotta squat a lot more
  16. Maybe Jez can chuck up kurtis' final graph when he gets the time?
  17. All I could find was partial pulls and lower boost graphs as well
  18. Did we ever get to see a finished graph of kurtis' car?
  19. its certainly a man sized turbo...
  20. The smith machine bars arent 20kg but most freeweight Olympic barbells will be 20kg
  21. That guy needs more mass IMO, he's still on the thin side of things but has a good midsection
  22. If I ever go high mount I'm definently going a bb 5558, they look the goods.
  23. Rookie mistake = finishing a creatine cycle and taking time away from lifting for a week or so over Xmas. Everything feels about 2.5kgs heavier and I'm dropping reps which is frustrating as all hell!!!
  24. Why have I been thinking you both had the .82 v band rear? I think it's partly because of the numbers you put out I must of just assumed... So what is the go with a .63 5558 compared to a 3076r in terms of compressor and turbine wheels then? Because it seems to put out very similar numbers to a .82 3076r
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