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Everything posted by Mitcho_7

  1. Why not do both ohp and shoulder press? Do barbell ohp in a 5/3/1 style or whatever you chose and then have shoulder pressing as an assistance exercise... You can make 5/3/1 have more volume and still follow the same principles. Pretty sure the dude wrote about it in one of the 5/3/1 books
  2. Gotta agree with birds on the 200 chins thing, unless 199 of them are those crossfit kip things...
  3. Birds, if you had the flu/a cold why were you taking a broad spectrum antibiotic? was that prescribed a by a doctor?
  4. That would have been a serious hassle to get out... Should have just left it!
  5. By heave bar I assune you mean a pull/chin up bar that was mounted on a wall? Thats a little weird theyd make you take it down...
  6. Do you have the deload every 4th week or are you going through 2 waves then deloading? Ive heard the progress is slow but steady with 5/3/1, I might give it a try soon.
  7. If you are back to 76kg at 6'3, holy crap you must be skeletal now!
  8. Thats your speed day and your meant to be moving the weight explosively to train the muscle fibres and neural system, its not to try and build muscle. Do a bit of background reading on louie simmons westside method and itll help explain the ideas behind each day
  9. 0.55 × 47.5 will give you what you seek
  10. Dude in the red shirt is jacked! Do want those bumper plates and that bar though...
  11. Anyone after a water meth injection kit and baffled tank set up? Can get pics
  12. Its defs a fine line between cutting off air supply/blood flow and finding the right spot for the bar. If you find it hard to keep elbows up, wait til you start squatting with it. I get just as mucg of an upper back workout as legs doing them.
  13. Yeh, the ones everyone in the ptc vids are titan golds which are super heavy apparently so ill be steering clear of them. I think when the time comrs ill see if I can try out some inzer true blacks or titan rpms which are meant to be a little less aggressive
  14. I actually think they might be titan wraps. Ive never squatted in wraps so I might do some serious reading and maybe ask markos what he recommends
  15. Safety bar squats are somewhat similar to front squats in that the weight is out the front of you a bit. I am doing them at the moment because I have niggling ac joint issue and front squating with the bar on it in the rack position hurts.
  16. What are some good knee wraps? Everyone at PTC seems to wear the thick red stripes with yellow and black wraps, so i figure they must be decent. What brand are they?
  17. 270kg block pulls, thats pretty hectic. I pull more from a deficit than from blocks
  18. where is the best place to get federal tyres in canberra these days, in desperate need of 2 upfront due to camber wear...
  19. yeh
  20. Its meant to be up and going at both stations by end of this month I believe. Hoooray for legit e85, just in time for my flex fuel tune!
  21. I couldnt agree more. When my shoulder pressing numbers go up so does my bench and vice versa. 125x 4 paused is awesome man! 135 was your last comp bench wasnt it?
  22. Bench going up as a result?
  23. I actually find front squat positioning/mechanics much easier to get good depth but obviously cant do as much weight. Keeping your elbows high and head up are really the only cues I use. As soon as the elbows drop its about 20x harder I find
  24. You should easily be able to front squat the bar. Keep your head and elbows high. Just try bw with a broomstick til you get comfortable doing it Edit: TTT suggested broomstick as well, great minds think a like Crossed arms sucks, I prefer the other way
  25. Im guessing you mean L5? T5 is a little high up ze back to be causing lower back/sciatic issues Either way, i really hope i can avoid ever having a serious lower back issue. Nick do you lift with a belt?
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