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Everything posted by Mitcho_7

  1. Also, that fruit muesli will probably have a decent amount of sugar in it
  2. Eat a shit tonne of bread/bagels, they have few carbs in them...
  3. Completely forgot about this. Turbo is still here and I also have a brand new set of poncams and an exhaust cam gear for sale aswell. $700 for cams and cam gear.
  4. You don't undergo gluconeogenesis all the time, it's a metabolic response brought on by high stress situations to spare blood glucose and glycogen. I would say a fair bit of your 400gms is coming out in your pee as urea/ammonia.
  5. Pretty much just the Creation of glucose from sources other than carbs eg protein
  6. Evo 9's are dope! The 8 isn't that bad though and this sounds awesome...
  7. Are for gays... Glad we got that over an done with
  8. I wouldn't call either of those heavy, but maybe he was trying to limit the involvement of his back in the curls or something? Seated ohp, I can sort of understand.
  9. Why are people avoiding potato? I reckon steak and potatoes is a solid post workout meal! On a different note, I did a deload where I didn't lift all for 6 days. I feel like I have been in a car crash after going through a cycle of my workout, especially my legs. Almost makes me regret owning a low car and living in a house with 10+ stairs to get to the front door... But my lifts did go up which is a plus I guess!
  10. I don't remeber having a problem that needed fixing, but squats couldn't hurt regardless...
  11. Pretty sure that's near impossible to get that low. 5-6% might be more realistic IMO.
  12. Definently agree with this. Front squats are the business!
  13. Defs some airbrushing, but he looks good regardless
  14. He barely even bent his knees to begin the squat and then just dumped it. That would be quite amusing to witness in a gym lol
  15. I bet some idiot has tried that before haha!
  16. I'm good for the next couple of weeks, but thanks for the offer.
  17. Up to you really I would think. If you can do everything without pain, then sure why not!
  18. Lol and Yeh it's an anti freeze radiator fluid...
  19. Franco seemed to have the opposite problem... http://forum.bodybuilding.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=104786&d=1085614345 But here is a paper or two I found that backs what Markos is saying http://www.thesportjournal.org/article/optimizing-development-pectoralis-major http://www.daveywaveyfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Effects-of-Variations-of-the-Bench-Press-Exercise-on-the-EMG-Activity-of-Five-Shoulder-Muscles.pdf
  20. Let's let it go! I'm pretty sure there will be emg studies out there that show no difference in electrical activity between either pec head during incline bench. If nothing else, it is something for everyone to think about I guess!
  21. Not a bad way to spend 10 grand
  22. I'm not saying your not correct because you have probably forgotten more than I know about strength training. However, until you send me a link/point me in the direction of a reference that is valid, which shows that, then I'm inclined to remain skeptical.
  23. Any decent anatomy book will clearly label the clavicular pectoral head. But i get the feeling you are just nit-picking at the fact I called it "upper chest" instead of specifically referring to the clavicular pectoral head. In which case, chill out and excuse me for being a bit lax with anatomical terms on a forum. Even my anatomy professor has called it the upper chest. If you are saying there isn't actually a clavicular pectoral head then that's more of a worry.
  24. Look again? The pec has two heads. Sternal and clavicular, named after where they originate from. Sure they share a common tendon and both heads will contract in flat bench and incline. But in incline bench the emphasis is placed more on the clavicular head due to position on the arm in relation to the torso. Just because two seperate heads of a muscle share a common tendon doesn't mean the same movement will impact both heads equally. Take you deltoid example. 3 heads originating from slightly different spots and all insert at the same point on the humerus. So why doesn't overhead press give you big rear delts? Because of the position of the arm in relation to the torso. Sure the rear delts will still contract in overhead press but not to the same degree that they do in reverse flyes or barbell rows and that's why they don't get big doing only overhead press. I wasn't suggesting I can alter the shape of my clavicular pectoral head, I was saying I wanted to stimulate growth in it more than my sternal head to even them up. Which is why I changed to doing incline first, where I can lift a bigger weight for more rels and recruit more motor units in the clavicular head than I would doing it afterwards in a fatigued state. Which hopefully helps stimulate hypertrophy in the clavicular head. Sorry if I was unclear with my statement.
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