I didnt watch the live feed because I was at work, but looking at the youtube clips from yesterday martin defs had more in his bench and squat then 175 and 300, which is ridiculous...
Im not criticising the program by any stretch but it just seems like shes not happy with how its going, so rather than talk about how shes not happy with it again and again, change it.
Thats all I was suggesting.
I also think that if she can lift x amount for 10 reps as her third and/or fourth set and all the previous sets are lighter why not start on the heavier weight and do the same amount of sets?
If your that unhappy with your progress, change your program?
Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is kinda silly. You can always come back to the program you have now.
I really like the PPP powerlifting style of training and im pretty keen to join the ptc in canberra as well because I think training in that sort of environment helps heaps
In other news, im no longer a complete flange, squated 150kgs today on my first time over 135kgs.
I can now bench 125, dead 180 and squat 150. Still got a long way to go to be happy with where my lifts are at though.