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Everything posted by Mitcho_7

  1. Why do you always do 1rm attempts after all your working sets? Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, your true 1rm will be much higher if you do it first...The weird thing is I missed te 115kg bench last week, but got the 5x95 sets out without hassle and tonight was much more of a struggle... Might have something to do with not eating enough and poor sleep with all my uni bizo atm
  2. Got out the 115kg bench tonight as part of week 9 PPP, I actually found the 5x95kg sets harder...
  3. My car isn't a bad buy if you can't stretch your budget plus I have all the stock gear for it as well to help with rego etc
  4. I have the utmost respect for people that can actually atg squat heavy. I wish I possessed the flexibility to go below parallel...
  5. Well I'm still stuck at week 9 for 120 bench and on week 10 of 135 squat so do I just not deadlift for 2 weeks and then start up again?
  6. Got out the 165kg dead this morning! Didn't think it was going after I did the 157.5 before it and it felt tough but I got it up! What happens when you finish that PPP program? Do you just pick a different weight and start again the next week or what?
  7. Can vouch for weight plates being out! My bumper plates are all within about 0.2kg on my digital scales, but my adjustable dumbell plates are all slightly heavier than stated. My dumbell handle with collars weighs 1.5kg and with 4x5kg plates each side it weighs 43.5kg per dumbell.
  8. Damn, he made that look easy!
  9. Never tried a pwo drink ever, so I can't comment. I'm happy enough with my progress at the moment without them though...
  10. I was finding I was making better strength gains in the earlier weeks of the PPP program when it was all 5s and 3s and the odd single. Since it progressed to singles pretty much the whole session my progress slowed a lot.
  11. I didn't do it unfortunately, it was A fella in my biomechanics class at uni. He's some sort of elite sportsperson, always wearing nswis gear and such.
  12. Just completed week 10 of the 165kg deads program, got 160kg out. Now just gotta step it up next week and pull 165. The only part of PPP that has stalled for me is bench and feel like that might be partly technique related. By no means am I saying my squat or dead form is good, just not as big of a hinderance yet...
  13. heres a link to a study http://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Abstract/1995/11000/Effects_of_Variations_of_the_Bench_Press_Exercise.3.aspx
  14. Troy, I would think if you can flat bench the 42.5kg dumbells you'll be able to rep 100kg pretty easily. I much prefer benching with dumbells over barbell, but i havent done flat bench with dumbells in a fair while because i have been doing PPP. Im not arguing that your upper chest hasn't grown since you have done more incline benching, im just stating what the scientific research using emg has shown... Either way doing a combo of flat and incline bench is your best bet i say, i do both on every chest day...
  15. we have had this arguement with markos before and there is plenty of emg studies that show doing incline bench doesnt stimulate the clavicular head of the pecs anymore than flat bench, stop flogging the dead horse...
  16. has there been much interest in this? any interior shots?
  17. I haven't shaved with a razor since the first year I started needing to shave. Shit gets way to itchy and red for my liking no matter what gel/cream and razor combo I use. So I just go as close to the skin as I can with clippers and have done so for the last 6 years...
  18. I was going great til I got sick and when I finished week 8 with the 110kg bench it felt like I had more in me. I think I'll give it one more week and if I can't get it out next week ill start all over again on the 125kg bench program seeing as my 1rm has gone up
  19. Well I have officially hit a wall in PPP for bench can't get past week 9 115kg.
  20. I witnessed a bloke in my biomechanics class at uni pump out 25x100kg atg squats like it was nothing today. I train at home so it was crazy to see someone lifting that in front of me, takes it to a whole other level. I would probably be in a permanent state of dropped jaw if I were to go to Markos' ptc gym!
  21. 66% ain't no thang! Mine was down to about 33% at one stage and it started messing with my cognitive function and immune system real bad. Got sick all the time an I was so slow to process things, was real worrying before I knew what the issue was!
  22. So much anger...
  23. I can almost garuntee that if its only 6ft it will not be 1320mm between the collars
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