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Everything posted by Steve

  1. the fuel pump thing isnt really a problem - its just a nissan thing, the fuel pump being shut down after it primes, probably a nvh thing is all - sounds like someone at some time has been modifying the setup. gearbox - redline shockproof lightweight will sort out the synchros, about $33/litre, you need ~ 2 litres The uneven compression, I would be very wary, the nissan manual states the maximum acceptable variation between cylinders is 14psi (1kg) - you have greater than that on two cylinders (admittedly #5 is close) 4k is very, very cheap for a rebuild. do make sure when they say rebuild, they mean a full rebuild, and not just a freshen up (rings, bearings, timing belt water pump etc) cos if there is any bore damage, it may end up costing alot more than 4k if that is the case. (and btw, forged pistons dont usually cost much more than OEM pistons and rings) A much cheaper option would be to buy a 2nd hand engine from japan - can usually get a good one for under 2K, but then you are looking at labour to swap parts that may not be included with the engine, timing belt, fluids etc. buyer beware, I wouldnt buy it, imo compression all over the place indicates a mis-used, under serviced, potential nightmare
  2. EDITED Very clever about the 'cant save daylight' thing - you must be a physicist? If you cant save daylight though (as YOU said) why are you against daylight saving? wouldnt the point be mute in your world?
  3. bwahahaha... good one - dude how old are you???? re read the above comments, just becasue they are not valid to you, doesnt mean they aren't valid to others daylight savins bandwagon - its been around for many many many years and as for the 50% of the nations wealth comment, that reminds me of someone with small man syndrome - last time I checked it was one country - but I suppose you believe aust should be segregated re - read your post, really, its quite un-thought out, and if you want credibility, lets not try and compare eating shit to daylight savings, that's just sad. and as for forcing everyone else - check the above poll, who is forcing who???? why should we be forced NOT to have daylight savings? Do you really think you will suffer so much if you have daylight savings? NO ONE ELSE in this country appears to suffer - is this unique to living in the west - 'in the east it may not be bad, but in wa it is - very intelligent perhaps you should go to some third world country, where you get up when its light, and go to bed when its dark Time is man made -natures clock is the sun and the seasons. Time is there purely for the sake of co-ordination, so why not co-ordinate, and use time to our best advantage? the world is shrinking, why shouldnt wa keep up with the rest of aust, we are already 10 years behind them - or should we just sit in our outdated, stagnant, backwater ways? there are valid reasons for daylight savings - of those people that have tried MOST like it - why else would other states have kept it? ever thought what you are missing? BOTTOM line, it doesnt really matter what any one person thinks, things will be what they will be
  4. it would be alot easier to reset a server clock, than convince work they should open/shut 1 hour earlier - then all the local businesses would be bitching because places shut 1 hour early Adeliade seems to be able to sustain 7 day shopping, so your population theory is just that
  5. I dont seem to remember too many days that the temp was around 30deg at 9-10 at night? When I lived in SA they had a day when it was 38 deg at 11pm, but that place is alot hotter for alot longer during the day than sydney, melb and perth AND they still have daylight savings
  6. Its called ADRs, wipers etc should be non reflective - you cant beat adrs, unless you get an engineers report. 100mm is legal, I actually passed my car over welshpool pits slightly lower than 100mm (ie, it scraped when it went over) but the guy there thought it was close enough and let it slide I also passed welshpool with coilovers - I really dont trust outstation pits, unless its pretty much stock, they dont like passing anything.
  7. ok then, gloves off.... And just so you understand, I was born and bred here in WA - long enough ago to remeber daylight savings time being trialed here. Where are these 7 day supermarkets? (are you talking about the ones that charge 3 times as much?) and can you explain how I am supposed to buy clothes for the kids on a sunday? cos at the moment I come from a 2 working parent household, and if we want to buy stuff for the kids, its madness - have you ever seen saturday crowds at decent shopping centres - its farking crazy. Over east they have 24 hour supermarkets, so you can get what you need whenever - no rushing around all the time, just pop down the shops when you have time. I suppose you also want to bring back the roster service station rules - and shut bunnings, repco etc all down, because they are only allowed to open on sundays (and after hours in the case of servo's) because of forward thinking people. At the time of deregulation of service station trading hours - there were similar screams from narrow minded people saying it would be the end of petrol stations, they would all go bust etc, etc Hell, maybe we should go back to not having fast food places open on weekends and after hours etc yeah you would love that. Just think, uni students would have to go around begging for money, cos they wouldnt be able to find a job after hours pretty much every time there has been a push toward the future in this state, narrow minded people drag us back. Its not a case of if, but when, I would prefer to embrace the future, not hide from it. But once again, small minded, selfish attitudes won - how many economies do you see going down the tubes east because of sunday trading? NONE grow up WA (those that cant get out of the 20th century) why fight change, it wont actually hurt you, and your life may actually improve. Do you really think daylight savings would be so deeply inground in eastern states culture if it was so bad? and why is it NOBODY over east whines like a baby about daylight savings?
  8. Milk cows in the heat of the day? What a pile of absolute crap Cows get milked the same time every day - eg, say 6 am. Daylight savings comes along - we wind our clocks BACK one houre, now 6 am is 5 am, the cows still come in for milking at the SAME time (6am actual) or 7am daylight savings time. The heat of the day doesnt change - we dont actuall move the bloody sun er, we DO wind our clocks back, not forward, otherwise we would LOOSE daylight, not save it. Perhaps this is the reat reason so many people are against daylight saving in wa? - they dont actually understand? Then just jump on the 'daylight savings is bad, farmers will die, your curtains will fade, and the kids wont sleep' bandwagon.
  9. love it, its great - why does wa have to live behind the times, its like living in a big country town some times. first they knock back sunday trading, then everyone thinks the world will end cos we wind our clocks back during summer Oh, and I have 3 young kids - and they didnt mind daylight saving when I was sent east with work. And someone please explain to me how a farmer would be so put out cos the clock is wound back???? cant figure that one, just means they get an extra hour sleep in - tough.
  10. this was the only question I saw
  11. Look at them, and see if they are in good condition or not (no signs of bulging/cracking etc). If they look tired, replace them - they should be inspected when you service the car, but sometimes people get lazy. I made over 400rwhp with stock fuel lines, but I did preplace the rubber hoses that run to/from the fuel rail, because they looked a bit tired.
  12. For those interested, with thanks to AP engineering (and cubes for copying them before they went off line ) Very handy reference, esp for caclulating injector correction and lag time correction Top feed (sorry about the small size, if you right click and save image as, you can easily zoom in - for those interested anyways) Side feed
  13. well if that be the case, factory RB25 injectors would flow 410cc, but they dont, they are 370cc - RB25/SR20 -- stated inj flow, 370cc, tested at 2.55kg - 370cc, at 3.05kg - 410cc Sard 550cc -- stated inj flow, 550cc, tested at 2.55kg - 510cc, at 3.05kg - 560cc Apexi 740cc -- stated inj flow, 740cc, tested at 2.55kg - 675cc, at 3.05kg - 740cc Now why would nissan rate their injectors lower than they actually are, because following your logic, they are in fact 410cc, not 370... AP engineering and Nissan are obviously wrong, following your theories.
  14. but nissan fuel pressure at idle is 2.55kg, not 3kg - thus why I was saying a fuel pressure reg is worthwhile.
  15. I will gladly buy the rims and tyres off you - assuming they are still in the same condition as you posted up the pics? please let me know asap, as I need them pretty soon
  16. what the? sorry, not following what you are saying nissan manuals state stock rail pressure as 2.55kg at idle, 3.05kg at atmosphere, their injectors are rated at 2.55kg, ie, idle (rb25 - 370cc at 2.55kg, 410cc at 3.05kg etc) Sard, apex, hks rate their injectors at 3.0kg at idle how are these the same????
  17. let me help you out then, HKS, Sard, Apex I havent done the testing myself, just basing this on what has been published (by AP racing) and what I have been told by signal japan - all rated and should be run on 3.0kg base pressure at idle. This was based on trial and error, as explained to me, especially with larger injectors, its difficult to get a nice idle with factory fuel pressure - can be done, but its easier (and better) to use 3.0kg - but hey, they are probably just a bunch of dump Japanese, what would they know. Another thing to remeber, if you fit say sard 550cc injectors, and only run the factory base fuel pressure, the injector correction and lag adjustment will be different (510cc v's 550cc, +0.06ms vs +0.08ms) - or dont you consider this an important factor?
  18. I would be a bit concerned that the boost is reading lower - are you sure you dont have a leak somewhere? factory boost with and exhaust should be higher than 7psi
  19. also, if you havent done it yet, upgrade your brake pads, being able to accellerate is great, stopping is more important
  20. definately do injectors next, 97% is too high, you would also be better off getting a Z32 AFM, cos your factory AFM is near its limits too. I would recommend doing a fuel pressure reg at the same time, as aftermarket injectors are designed to run at different fuel pressure to the factory. Factory base fuel pressure at idle is 2.55kg, aftermarket, usually 3.0kg Having the correct base pressure will ensure that you are getting a nice spray pattern at idle, and also it will mean when you put in for example 550cc injectors, you actually have 550cc injectors, rather than 510cc I am sure several people will now completely disagree with me
  21. drives better imo - I originally removed it cos Bai suggested it was best for throttle response, he doesnt use one on his drift car for the same reason. The 2ic of signal also agreed that no bov was best. Never looked back, never use one again - throttle response is much crisper, and pretty much instantaneous, especially when on/off throttle trying to control a slide Idle, coming off revs (fuel cut recovey), etc, all perfect
  22. maybe when talking about fluid dynamics, but with cavitation, liquid is more specifically used (which is also referred to as fluid), but you obviously like splitting hairs, so what say you then to the following quotes - The formation and instantaneous collapse of innumerable tiny voids or cavities within a liquid - (noun) The production of voids in a liquid system due to extreme reduction of internal pressure - The boiling of a liquid caused by a decrease in pressure rather than an increase in temperature to quote but a few from a quick google definition search Or are you now going to expand and say that as fluid includes liquid, there for incudes gasseous variations (bubbles forming within air) And also, please point me to one external definition of cavitation that specifically states it can occur within a gas - you made the call, shame you cant back it up.
  23. yes, well my car was tuned at the same place other guys had their gt30s done - does this mean I could have had alot more than 321? most likely, a japanese mech seemed to think it was a bit low... would love to see a dyno graph for this gt3040, sounds like it worked unusually well, as there was another guy on here who fitted one (gcg) and he hated the thing - ended up going hks 3040 and fell in love.
  24. would go quite well no doubt. I was running 3037s56t on rb25, it was nuts, made well over 300rwkw, made strong boost under 4k rpm - and not one garrett name brand came anywhere near the sort of response/power I was making - infact I have never seen a garrett generic turbo make near the same power/response/toque/spool as the HKS did. (but that is a different topic. On RB26, no doubt the 3037 would be a very sweet thing indeed.
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