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Everything posted by ..350GT8..

  1. get the 3M wrap.. i had this on my s2000 boot and bonnet.. looked great.. but make sure u get the 3M one cause ive seen a few other people try other stuff and a few months down the track.. the got bubble and cloudy white patches started to appear,, my 3M wrap was on my car for 2 years and had no dramas.. didnt fade, peel or bubble.. +1 3M carbon wrap
  2. I always thought if the cam or crank angle sensor was shot, the car would never start.. Well thats how it been in my past experiences..
  3. Black and yellow.. Like that song lol.. Nah red will look better
  4. hi just to touch up.. the one in the "front" of the box is a "turbine speed sensor aka input shaft speed sensor" the one in the back is just a " VSS - vehicle speed sensor" they use the exact same sensor. so they are interchangeable..
  5. pm me if u can do the spacer shipped for $100
  6. thanks for MSKYO i will contact them.. cheers
  7. Thanks guys.. Just thought there would be guys who have this in stock for the "just in case" situations..
  8. Hi fellow v35 owners I'm in need of KTF-1 cvt oil URGENTLY!!!! If anybody has some to get rid off please PM or contact me on 0415504667.. Will pick up ASAP cheers
  9. i have a set of 18s Volk GTM.. PM me if you interested..
  10. the CVT box is a great box..!!! drives beautifully and smoothly.. just try and replace the sensor.. its roughly about $300.. and i thinks its worth a try before you actually go and change the actual gearbox.. which will cost you so much more...
  11. Sorry about the typo in previous post.. I'm using my iphone.. Hope my info can help
  12. The input shaft speed sensor is located on the driver side of the gear box.. Some where between the front and middle if the box.. Ad slightly higher to reach.. It's a little magnetic pick up sensor and exactly same as the vehicle speed sensor which is located at the back of the box.. In fact u an actually swap the sensors around to he'll u diagnose problem.. And don't worry u don not lose oil replacing these sensors.. And the sensors are worth around 300 bux and u shoul be able to order these from you local Nissan dealer.. Just give them u chassis number and they will bring it up.. But make sure u exaggerate to them that it's for a cvt box..
  13. Hey just thought I'd let u guys know.. I sell H.I.D kits and I can get these globes for u if u or anyone likes.. I have a set in my V if anyone would like to have a look.. Have had them in there for over a year and still going strong.. I anyone is interested PM me.. Globes come with 6mnths warranty and are available in 4000k, 6000k, 8000k, 10000k
  14. Why did u get a 250gt?? U should of just got a 350gt and you would been much happier and not have to go thru this.. Lol..
  15. hi peeps i have a set of Volk Racing GTMs for sale or trade.. so just let me know what u got to offer.. they are in fair condition.. i'd give them 7.5/10 they do have a few gutter rashes.. will come with the following Rays Engineering valves and valve caps Rays Engineering wheel nuts Rays Engineering center caps 18x8 +31 offset - front 18x9 +33 offset - rear currently have running on them with about 85%-90% tread left.. Federal 235/35/18 - front Federal 265/30/18 - rear asking price $2200 with tyres or $1800 w/o tyres.. i am open to offers so feel free contact by PM or call/sms 0415504667
  16. there is no point changing to a larger injector if your original injectors are not maxed out yet..
  17. pics and offset here too please
  18. hey guys Ive got a 350Z rear diff for sale.. only had 60XXX KMs on it.. after $1100 ono PM me or SMS/Call 0415504667 cheers guys
  19. y-pipe back exhaust for v35 sedan.. 3" pipe diameter.. megan
  20. thanks for clearing that up guys..
  21. Hey guys Quick question and I'm sorry if this been covered before.. So my v35 sedan has a button on the steering colum to fold the side mirrors in.. The button seems to have 3 modes or stages.. Open, close and then u can also leave the switch in the middle of open n close.. So question is what does leaving the switch in middle do?? And also are you able to control the mirrors via the key fob?? I know for a fact on some of the late model cars after u press lock and hold it again it folds the mirror in..
  22. Great cars you won't regret it.. Also heaps easy to maintain..
  23. hey guys sorry to hijack this thread.. but does anyone know the part number for our non-brembo sedan pads.. and back to the post.. how are the QFM pads?? dusty?? noisy??? stop better than OEM??
  24. if its your heads that need to be done.. then a stroker kit will add much more labor on top as you will still need to pull the bottom end out of the car.. i recommend that cos you already have your heads outs.. leave the bottom end and just do the heads up.. clean out the ports, very mildly bigger cams as bottom end still standard.. and valves and springs... will be cheaper than doing stroker kit..
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