Hi guys,
Long time since I have posted here....but anyways.......
I need advice on what to do about an evil mother in law (girlfriends Mum)
Long distance serious relationship with me here and her in QLD, she is considering moving down here but her mother is kicking up a huge stink and being totally unreasonable. Here is just some of the tactics she is using.....
Saying stuff like 'he doesn't love you, if he did, he would move here for you' He's only going to break up with you anyway....
Not talking to my G/F or being very cold to her.....
Saying that it is like she will be dead to the family and how can she betray her family like this.
Saying that if she moves here, and we get married she won't attend the wedding (which to a chick is a huge thing)
Its got to the stage where my girlfriend won't let me visit her up there, she always comes here because she is scared of her mother and what might happen if I go there. Her Mum doesn't even have a licence or work and relies on her kids to drive her around and pay the rent / food etc.
THe thing is that she is nice as pie until something doesn't go her way, then shes using guilt trips, blackmail etc, and basically disowning her own daughter for doing nothing other than following her heart.
I love my girlfriend heaps, but I don't know how much more of this crap I can take, and the whole time I am here and she is there, her Mum is in her ear trying to break us up cause shes a selfish jealous bitch!!
The sad thing is that my girlfriend can see what her Mum is trying to do but still has alleigance to her just because its her Mum. She actually wants to move here but is having to put up with sooo much rubbish thats its nearly tearing us apart.
I know this is nothing about cars, but I drive a line, so please help a bro out!