The only way I would buy from a mate is if I see him every week I've worked on the car with him and he gives it to me for "mates rates".
Anything else and he isn't really a mate but more of an acquaintance and that shit is no good.
you have more run down 34's that will get on the market (they were around and now most are gone, this was only last year) I saw 3 in the 30's.
Yes the ones that are pristine will fetch the appropriate coin. 2009 was in the 60's and upward for a 34 GTR. Now you are looking at 40's and 50's.
So as more not so good ones hit the market it will be harder to keep a stable market.
Maybe you think I mean they have depreciated over night, yet in reality I mean over a long time and who knows what will happen once the 35 dips below the 100k.
I never said they were Micky mouse.
Besides the point of arguing, I agree, GTR's are becoming less which is to be expected, especially with the U.S. Coming onto the playing field. They will bleed us dry.
It's been a steady curve over the last few years. I see some 34's in the 40's let alone some more ratty ones dipping in the 30's. where that would have never been the case 5 years ago