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  1. The easy way to tell if you have a “Series II” turbo with steel turbine is look at it. If the compressor housing has “Garrett” cast into it you have the steel turbine, if is has “NISSAN” cast into it you have a ceramic turbine. For what it is worth I have never seen a late model 25GT-t (new style front bumper and silver faced speedo cluster) that did not come with a steel turbine. One thing I don’t know is if they are ball bearing, I doubt it but you never know. I can’t find any documentation on it. I will check your chassis number tonight on FAST to double-check.
  2. Hey thanks man! The private number was easy. When I bought the car from NISSAN I asked for the number ”. . 34”. It cost like 4000 yen extra, but anyone can do it when you register a car. I have had the car for a year now and I did the bumper and hood about 3 months ago but these are the first new photos since the front-end change.
  3. eharrald

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  4. http://homepage2.nifty.com/ma2kun/ER34r.htm Here is the site for modding the GT-t hood and installing the GT-R bumper. If you save the photos to your HD and open them up they are a bit bigger than what is on the website. This is the site I used for reference when I put my bumper on. I will be taking some photos tomorrow and will post them for you guys. In the mean time here is a photo of a GT-t with a GT-R rear bumper. (Not my ride though I got this pic off the internet somewhere if it’s a forum members ride I am sorry for scamming your pic)
  5. As far as I knew all RB26DETT's have a sump baffle, and they are all the same part number. I will check FAST tonight. I was unaware there was an issue with oil on RB26's other than the R32 oil pumps and oil pump drive on the crank. I would be interested to know what the problem is.
  6. I have a R34 GT-R front bumper and HKS Kansai C/F Hood on my R34 GT-t. Assuming you have a GT-R hood, the R34 front bumper does fit with no mods as long as you get the upper grill support brackets that bolt to the headlights as well as the cross bar that the top of the bumper attaches to. The stock GT-t bumper re-enforce will work with some slight trimming I believe. I opted for a GT-R bumper re-enforce (light weight allumi) so it fit like a champ. As far as the attaching the bumper to the fenders, only one bolt hole will line up so you can either toss the plastic re-enforcement piece that the front bolt goes through and use rear bolt to hold the bumper on each side or re-drill the forward hole in the bumper to the correct position. I used the rear bolt only as I was too lazy that day to re-drill the bumper. You will end up with the tips of the bumper about 4mm past the end of the fender wheel arch, but it is not too bad. There will also be a small gap between the headlights and the bumper at the corners, but in all it looks tits hot! As for the hood you need to buy GT-R hinges and a GT-R hood latch support to make it work. If you get an HKS Kansai hood you can "mod" your GT-t hinges to make them work but you need a butt load of washers to bring the hood up to the correct height in the back. You will need to drill a new hole in the GT-R hood latch support to bolt it to your lower radiator support frame on the car but it is a piece of cake. I will try to get some photos of my setup for you guys if you want. If you have any questions feel free to PM me I will be happy to help you out.
  7. Not many R34 GT-t's (only 3 I think) on Okinawa so I have not had a chance to "compare" mine against any others.
  8. There is a 4WD R34 model called the 25GT Four, but they are all NA. RB25DE NEO 6 4WD no HICAS and no TURBO :-( There is a company in Japan that is taking 4-door R34 25GT Four’s and doing a GT-R 4-door replica conversion on them. Full front end and they take GT-R rear quarters and graft them in to the rear doors and quarter panels. Oh and an R34 RB26DETT with 6MT to boot. They go for like 3 million yen. (about $30,000 US) Their add in GT-R Magazine says they do R32’s and R33’s as well, both 2 and 4 doors.
  9. Sorry about that I meant 90kPa .......extra zero in there. My engine bay is dark blue/black. I think the 2001 cars got body-color engine bays. Funny thing is all the white, yellow and red cars I have seen have body-color engine bays, but the silver and light colored cars had the light grey engine bays regardless of year.
  10. Great site but a couple things are a bit off. Probably just quirks in Nissan's production process, even my car has a couple odd-ball parts that supposedly came on earlier cars.
  11. Learn something new every day!!! Didn’t know that, of course I am in Japan and never had to deal with your compliancy deal. Sorry of posting bogus info.
  12. You know I really don’t know what the difference is between them. My guess would be turbine trim or housing A/R. I have never seen any of the early or mid production turbos up close. I did find the production year stats though. Early: 07/98 ~ 10/99 Mid: 10/99 ~ 08/00 Late: 09/00 ~ 06/01 My earlier figures were a bit off sorry bout that.
  13. Here is the Nissan P/N for the late model R34 GT-t turbo assembly with manual transmission. 14411-AB000
  14. A rough estimate of model year can be made by looking at the tag sewn into the front seatbelts. They have a manufacturing date either stamped or printed on the tag. It is located on the outboard side near lower attachment point. For instance my 1989 GT-R had 1989 stamped on the tag in faded black ink. My 2000 GT-t has Manufactured June 2000 printed on the tag. Hope this helps.
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